Hello there !
If you don't want to invest so much money in a Diabellstar engine, this build is made for you. I tried to make a Fire King list with a Dogmatika package to up the consistency with some spices. The reason of this build (and Diabellstar too) is to maximize your accesses to the best card of your deck : Ponix.
Pros : Increase your access to Ponix, add disruptions / draw power, less dependant to the Extra Deck => more space, synergy with Super Polymerization, possible to play Pot of Prosperity without too many conflicts (it can if you play it before Nadir Servant)
Cons : Hard lose to Droll, Lock in the Extra Deck => if Nadir Servant is your only access to your Fire King engine, you will not be able to use your Extra Deck toolbox
Budgets Options
- Pot of Prosperity => 2 Fire Formation Tenki + One for One : I consider Pot of Prosperity as not that expensive (thanks to the Rarity collection). However, you could consider those other options to replace it if you don't have/want to run Prosperity
- S:P Little Knight => Knightmare Unicorn
- Ty-phon => you could replace it by a Heatsoul for exemple
- For the Maximus targets, Wind Pegasus @Ignister can be an option as well as Bucephalus
Deck Strategy
This variant is more focus on a heavy ressource management gameplay ; the Dogmatika package reduces your ability to make huge combos with the Extra deck and your plays will be more focused on your Fire King engine, setting your disruptions, getting your freespots to control your opponent during his turn. The deck has a great OTK potential (with the Garunix Xyz + Circle for exemple) and has a great ability to generate and recycle ressources. Furthermore, Nadir Servant locks you to summon Extra Deck monsters in some cases but the rest of the time, the deck has also many Extra Deck tools to control the pace of the game, recover ressources, managing some complex threats, ...
This is a sample list with my preferences : feel free to you to switch some free spots, to add some package as your convinience.
Do not hesitate to share your advices and your feedbacks about this list ! Enjoy :)