This deck is built around the potential abuse of Nadir Servant. Going first, you use Nadir to send Garura from the ED, searching Maximus and drawing a card. Next, you banish Garura to special summon Maximus and use his effect to send Shuraig and Titaniklad. Shuraig now triggers, and since Garura is banished you can search Ponix, turning on your Fire King plays and setting up for either a Garunix wipe or a Kirin pop. In the end phase Titaniklad triggers, searching Fleur for additional disruption.
The side deck comes entirely from the structure deck and is focused almost entirely on board breaking. I decided to main 2 Dogoran with a third in the side to act as an out for ExNoir and other annoying monsters the 9 hand traps can't stop. Going first, you'll want to remove the kaijus and either Called By or one of the continuous spells for the playset of Judgment. Going second depends on the matchup, but Dark Hole, Alpha, and Herald should give you plenty of options. I used the flex spot for a second Sky Burn for longer games, but it could easily be Sacred Phoenix or High Avatar Garunix.
For upgrades, you should replace the maindeck Kaijus with Triple Tac or Nibiru. The side deck doesn't have anything to answer backrow, so it would be worth the space to swap Alpha and the flex card for either a playset of Cosmic Cyclone or a Feather Duster and 2 Lighting Storm. From there it's up to you: you can add a Thrustboard, or some Bystials to help against Labrynth and Unchained. From there you should look into trading Dogmatika for Diabellstarr and updating your extra deck with cards like Zeus, Little Knight, and TY-PHON.