The deck revolves around summoning your spellcasters to keep control of the board. Most of them have 1850ATK or 1500DEF which is specific for being able to search for them in decks and in GYs.
Majority of Victories come from swinging wildly with the spellcasters or having your opponent surrender because you hindered them enough.
-Raigeki/Lightning Storm/Veiler/AshBlossom/Terraforming/MST/Dimensional Barrier - Pretty self explanatory, feel free to add/remove as you see fit.
-A simple way of getting spellcaster cards into your hand from your deck with 1850ATK; which is all the Familiar Possessed creatures. Can also be used to disrupt your opponent by forcing them to trash a card or have cards sent back to their hands/ExtraDeck
-Ecclesia and Fluerdelis are easy summons in reaction to your opponents summoning from the extra deck, they are also Spellcasters and they are annoying to deal with.
-Helpful for special summoning cards from your Deck; they come in in Facedown defense position, but during your opponents main phase you can flip them to attack.
-This is a combo piece; if you have a spellcaster in the field, you can special summon this, which then you special summon
Awakened Nefarious from your deck by sending both the small nefarious and spellcaster card to the GY. Once
Awakened Nefarious enters the battlefield you can bring back a spellcaster monster from your GY to your field. I run only one because you do not want this in your opening hand.
-I use this field spell if I'm playing against another spellcaster deck, otherwise I prioritize
Secret Village.
-This is IMO the most important card in the deck which is why I run three. It draws you a card when you play a spellcaster. it powers up all you cards based on the different attributes in play (why I run one copy of every Familiar Possessed). With this in play, your creatures will hit like trucks and since there are many ways to get creatures in play, you can overwhelm your opponent on power alone.
-I always add a spellcaster to my hand and I always set an
Awakening of the possessed.
-This card is loaded: Summon a spellcaster from hand or GY, destroy a face-up card, and banish it to recycle a previous spell or trap and play them in face-up position.
-Protects your familiar possessed creatures, powers them up on attack, if a creature is destroyed you can special summon a new one. Very useful in this deck.
-Pretty straight forward, used them to get a nice creature from your opponents GY that matches the attribute (there is no dark version yet)
I made this deck cuz I like the archetype, but it has shocked me how well it's doing; to the point where I'm in Platinum in MasterDuel.