Honestly, I'm trying to make Fallen of Albaz playable. So far, I think this deck is pretty good, though it can be way better. It does brick if you don't draw the right combo. That being said, I have played through bricks and somehow I have won those matches. Then again, my opponent was bricking at times. I'll post the combos later, but don't hesitate to offer advice or some critique.
Alright, if you go first, you better hope you get "Aluber, Jester of Despia" and another "Despia" monster (either "Tragedy" or "Dramaturge" (preferably the latter)). Along with a "Nadir Servant" ( though you can still make plays without it).
Normal Summon the "Aluber", search for the "Theather", or if you already have it in your hand then search for "Branded Opening".
Use your "Theater" to fusion "Aluber" and "Dramaturge" and summon "Masquerade the Blazing Dragon" then Special Summon "Dramaturge" from the grave in Atk position. The "Masquerade" will constantly charge your opponent 600LP for every card and effect activated. And you can choose when to use "Dramaturge" effect to negate a monster's effect whenever an Extra Deck Monster is Special Summoned. So choose carefully. Not only that, your "Aluber" is in the GY, just waiting in the graveyard for your opponent to remove your fusion monster on the field.
Well, the Dogmatika package is pretty simple, send an extra deck monster ("Albion the Branded Dragon" or "Titaniklad the Ash Dragon") add your "Dogmatika Ecclesia" then you special and add the "Fleurdelis" (or the "Dogmatika Punishment") and end your turn. During the end phase, "Albion" will activate and you go ahead and set a Judgement of the Branded from deck to your back row (or if you sent "Titaniklad the Ash Dragon", just add the Fleurdelis). It honestly comes in handy. Just a reminder, that "Dogmatika Punishment" is a double-edged sword, especially in a Fusion-based deck like this. So try to use "Dogmatika Punishment" as a last resort only.