Fallen of Albaz is the center of a large ongoing story between multiple archetypes like dogmatika, tribrigade,springans, despia, icejade and swordsoul. The strategy of a deck centered around Albaz is to go second, break the opponents board then build one of your own.
3x Fallen of Albaz - walking super polymerization. A key component in your fusion plays
3x Incredible Ecclesia the Virtuous - Summons albaz from deck from a free special summon so you can use your normal summon on something else
2x Albion the Shrouded Dragon - Can dump the needed branded spells or albaz directly from the deck to the GY
3x Aluber the Jester of Despia - One of the most important monsters in the main deck, Aluber searches any of your branded spell/trap cards
3x Despian of tragedy - searches when used for fusion material and recycles branded spells
2x Dramaturge of Despia - Strengthens your fusion plays with another negate. Perfect fusion material as it comes back when used for fusion material, even if its banished.
1x Tribrigade Mercourier - Good search target for brigand or can be banished with branded in red/white for a search.
3x PSY Framegear Gamma - Great going second handtrap
1x PSY Frame Driver - Dont draw this
1x Branded in High Spirits - Can mill construct for free graveyard material for Mirrorjade, but is searchable and not required to play at high numbers.
2x Despia, Theater of The Branded - This Collosal Base is one of the fusion spells of the deck. It can also revive a fusion monster if your opponent destroys a non-fusion despia, but that most likely won’t happen
2x Branded in White - Uses materials from hand field and graveyard as long as you use Albaz or Albion(most of the time Albaz) as material
2x Branded in Red - The best fusion spell in the deck, can fuse monsters at quick effect speed and uses cards from hand field and graveyard without needing to use dragons.
3x Branded Opening - Grabs a despia straight from your deck.
3x Dark Ruler No More - Negates the effects of all opponent monsters at the cost of losing all battle damage
3x Super polymerization - Even if Aluber or Albaz are negated, super poly can be used to insulate plays and break boards
2x Forbidden Droplet - Another going second negation tool but is played at 2 because of how many cards in hand it requires
1x Branded Condemnation - Your primary target to send off of Albion, as it can recycle your other branded spells
Extra Deck
2x Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon - Good new endboard card, but be careful with its effect as if you use it in one turn, you wont be able to use it on the next turn
1x Rubellion the Divineflame Dragon - An extender that recycles materials
1x Guardian Chimera - Draws and pops cards and in this deck has little downside to its materials
2x Albion the Branded Dragon - The other albion, this card is another fusion monster that lets you extend into other fusion plays
1x Titaniklad the Ash Dragon - A beater that you will rarely ever summon. Fuel for mirrorjade
1x Brigand the Glory Dragon - better fuel for mirrorjade as it can search mercourier
1x Despia Proscenium - I have stolen a dragoon 3 times with this card.
1x Masquerade the Blazing Dragon - another end board card that burns the opponent for cards used. I dropped this after a battle phase and my opponent had 2500 lp left. Like nibiru but if you activate 5 effects you lose
2x Despia Quaerteris - Easiest despia monster to fusion summon
1x Starving venom fusion dragon - super poly target
1x El Shaddoll Construct - Fuel for high spirits
1x PSY Framelord Omega - when you gamma on your own turn.
Banish the Construct sent off of High Spirits as material for Mirrorjade
If your hand isnt all that good, you can leave ecclesia on the field to use albaz on the opponents turn.
super polymerization doesn't have to be used at the beginning of a turn. super polymerization is also somewhat of a negation insulator as you can fuse off your and your opponents monsters to dodge some negates like impermanence or effect veiler