I find this deck to be pretty consistant at coming up with fusions or syncro's. Use Buster Whelp or trap tricks to get your prolonged. Use that effect to get Buster Dragon to the field. In really good situations you can use a combo move of Destruction sword fusion & your opponents material to get the Buster Blader fusion monster out. or use sage with eyes of blue to either search buster whelp or sack The Maiden with eyes of blue to spam out 2 Blue-eyes which opens up the option to go into Number 100 Numeron Dragon for a massive 9000 damage! We also have the Branded Fusion which allows you to use the aforementioned monsters to create powerful fusion dragons of the Albaz archtype. I find going for ******* of Ashen Dragon by using Buster Blader or Blue-Eye Jet Dragon to help with getting some monsters in the grave & make a pretty strong turn one monster. It used to have Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King of Calamity in the Main but I moved it to the extra deck becuase it was just one of the cards that was relativley easy to summon if I start with Prolog & Chain Resonator, but it just isn't as versitile as the other extra deck cards. You can readd it if you want. I'm not living & dying with the XYZ monsters in the extra deck. They are nice in certain cercomstances but maybe aren't worth the 3 slots they use up.
Ultimately, I'm sure people could refine this deck even better because I am not very good at deck building. This deck is far from perfect but I genuenly enjoy playing with this deck.
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