Furries with Invoked. I'm not a furry but I like the Fairy Tail archetype, so to make up for their flaws I decided to make them more of a control deck with village and such, and Invoked to turbo out Mechaba for negates since they're all light. Using Village and them all, they can control the game fairly well and be adorable as they do it. There's also a few OCG cards in this though so, note that. Credit to this deck for the turn lock. https://ygoprodeck.com/bamboo-sword-terminal-lock-down/
Deck Guide
3x Sleeper- Sleeper helps to make up for the slowness of the Fairy Tails, special summoning another from the hand. The problem is that it's a flip effect, so it's still slow. She's too cute to leave out though. In case your opponent manages to bypass your Village, you always have Sleeper there as backup to overwrite their spells into recycling Sleeper.
3x Rockha- Rockha is a simple card that manages to get us more resources, although it's up to the opponent what we get, which is fairly annoying and was sorta unnecesary on the part of Konami, but whatever. Rockha also dips when attacked, which is, sorta useless.
3x Rella- Rella gives protection to your more important monsters from spell targeting, which is minor, but still fairly helpful in some situations. And at the cost of discarding a spell, Rella equips a equip spell to herself from anywhere, specifically Bamboo Sword in this case, for the turn skip combo. While it's bounced back at the end of the turn, it still means we can recycle the turn skip.
3x Luna- Luna searches all the Fairy Tails on summon, including herself, as they all have 1850 attack (fun fact: she has great synergy with the Charmers as well due to this). Luna also can bounce herself back to the hand to bounce an opponent's monster to the hand, making her an invaluable piece of spot removal due to how weak the monsters are in this deck.
3x Aleister- Aleister is a key part of the Invoked engine. On summon, he searches out Invocation, allowing you to quickly turbo into Mechaba or anything else you need. He also can discard himeslf to give a boost of 1000 attack to one of your fusions, which is very helpful for beating over problem monsters, as it gets out the main target for Invocation, Mechaba, to 35k attack, which is above average and means he can beat over most things.
3x Ash- Ash is another great control card and a staple in nearly any modern deck, as it can negate a search during either player's turn. This means that you can cripple combos and, when timed well, fully intterupt them and stop them from happening all together, which is fantastic. And no Jobe, it's not getting limited.
3x Fairy Tail- Fairy Tail helps with field swarming, which is something Fairy Tails normally struggle with, as it allows you to normal summon a spellcaster with 1850 attack in addition to your normal summon. It also mitigates damage, as the first damage you would take with one of your 1850 spellcasters, you do not, which is also great due to the low attack stats of the Fairy Tails. (Fun fact: This card also has great synergy with Charmers, due to the Charmers being spellcasters with 1850 attack.)
3x Invocation- Invocation is another one of the key pieces of the Invoked engine. It allows you to summon using your monsters on your hand/field/grave, and the opponent's grave, which is great. The main target for this is Mechaba, as the Fairy Tails are all lights and that means you can quickly turbo into Mechaba on turn 1 to set up an easy negate. Although, depending on the match up you can also go into more stuff like Purgatrio to punish a swarm deck.
3x Secret Village- Secret Village is one of the deck's key cards. A majority of the deck is spellcasters, aside from Ashblossom, which means you can easily normal summon out a Fairy Tail and activate Secret Village to have the lock on turn 1. Most decks rely on spells, so not being able to have them will be crippling. And outing Secret Village without them will be insanely hard due to not having access to any spells, which makes up most spell/trap removal.
3x Knowledge- Knowledge is the deck's main draw power. At the cost of sending a Spellcaster to grave, which doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things (as you can easily send an Aleister and then banish said Aleister from grave for a fusion since Invocation reaches into grave), and then draw 2. While you stay even in card advantage, it's still a great draw.
3x Terminal World- Terminal World is another lockdown card, to basically remove the second main phase from play. A lot of decks like setting their shit in the second main phase, and a lot of decks are forced to skip the main phase due to various effects so you can force them to skip the main phase 2 as well. You can also use this in tandem with Burning Bamboo Sword and regular Bamboo Sword to fully skip the opponent's turn.
3x Burning Bamboo Sword- Burning Bamboo Sword is another one of the cards for the turn skip. Alongside Terminal World, as long as you have bamboo sword equipped to one of your monsters and Terminal World active, your opponent can't go into either of their main phases, making it so they can't do shit. Couple this with a possible Mechaba or Village lock, and it's near impossible to out.
2x Broken Bamboo Sword- The main target for Rella's effect, you'll want to get it out with Terminal and Burning to lock down the opponent and skip their turn completely.
1x Terraforming- Terraforming serves to get out Village, another layer of negates alongside the Bamboo combo.
1x Metaverse- see above
The extra deck
3x Moon Magistus- Moon Magistus is an easy link-1 that you can link away Aleister or something from to have a light on the field, just in case you don't have a Fairy Tail, somehow.
3x Ninaru- Ninaru serves to recover your lost Fairy Tails and Aleisters, making it so you can recycle them for more plays mid-to late game.
1x Elysium- Elysium serves to be a big boss monster for the Invokeds late game. As long as you have a fusion and the opponent is playing some extra deck stuff, you can use Invocation to get out Elysium. Elysium, on field, is basically a really big beater with monster removal. It also looks like a biblically accurate angel.
2x Mechaba- one of the key Invokeds, Mechaba provides great negates as long as you have a large hand, which you most likely will as you don't expend a ton of resources. . You can easily negate things and the such, also banishing cards, the only downside being that Mechaba isn’t a very strong attacker. He can still put work in for an OTK though.
1x Magellanica- Magellanica is basically a big 3k beater that is actually a vanilla. Magell isn’t super good but still fairly useful against earth heavy decks. I wish Aleister would’ve turned into a cat girl instead of this though.
1x Augodies- Dunno how to spell it’s name, but it’s a cool card. Augodies serves to grow to high attack stat levels late game, as long as you have a good amount of fusions in the grave. It also has a destruction effect to discourage the opponent from special summoning, which is a very important thing in many decks.
1x Purgatrio- Purgatrio is the last key Invoked. Purgatrio heavily punishes swarm decks like Dragonlink, by growing to huge numbers and beating over all of them. He also has really cool art. He’s also easy to get out by using an opponent’s Ash or something like it, due to how heavily used Ash Blossom is.
1x Cocytus- Cocytus is a 28k wall that can attack in defense postion, which basically enables it to whittle down at the opponent slowly. Not a huge fan of Cocytus but eh, he’s there
21 Raidjin- a fantastic instant fusion target, Raidjin can flip a problem card face down to avoid it, and if it has low defense, easily beat over it.
1x Caliga- Caliga serves as a strong floodgate to heavily counter many decks, and it's floodgate effect helps the control idea of this deck greatly.
Playing guide
The main idea is to initate as many locks and negates as you can going first. Set up either the Village lock or the Bamboo/Terminal lock, so your opponent's turn is skipped and/or they can't activate any spells since you'll most likely have a Spellcaster on the field. The Bamboo/Terminal lock is fairly inconsistent, but is worth it with just how powerful it is. You can search out Broken with Rella, and then activate Burning, and then Terminal, so your opponent is fully fucked. You can also use the Invocation engine as well to get out Mechaba for an extra layer of control, to provide more negates on the opponent. After you control the gamestate and such, you just gotta slowly whittle down the opponent until you win.
Any suggestions or advice is appreciated. Thank you, have a good day!