You might already be able to tell, but I specialize in using the
Charmers. I've been trying to make them as viable as possible without resorting to super cheep moves (like
Dragoon, for example), and while trying to keep the deck at least 60%
Familiar Possessed related. This deck, specifically will be regularly updated as new lines of cards come out. This update will focus on the new
Magistus Archetype.
Highlighted Cards:
Magistus Flame Zoroa [★4] [Spellcaster/Tuner/Effect] [ATK/1500 DEF/1500]
⌈Magistus Dragon Vafram⌋ [★8] [Dragon/Synchro/Effect] [ATK/2500 DEF/2900]
⌈Magistus Goddess Ninaruru⌋ [☆4] [Rock/Xyz/Effect] [ATK/1800 DEF/2400]
⌈Magistus Maiden Artemis⌋ [§ 1] [Spellcaster/Link/Effect] [ATK/ 800]
Other Additions:
Awakening of the Possessed - Great Inari Fire [★5] [Pyro/Effect] [ATK/2000 DEF/ 200]
⌈Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter⌋ [§ 2] [Spellcaster/Link/Effect] [ATK/1300]
Fairy Tail - Luna [★4] [Spellcaster/Effect] [ATK/1850 DEF/1000]
Blizzard Princess [★8] [Spellcaster/Effect] [ATK/2800 DEF/2100]
Endymion Lab [ ∞ ]
Card Trader [ ∞ ]
To start, so far
Magistus Flame Zoroa has proved a useful addition to the deck. One of the more tricky things to do in this deck was Summon a Level 8 Synchro monster. Since the only Tuner in the Deck was Angraecum Umbrella, and most of the other monsters in the deck were either Level 3 or 4, unless you had any of the Awakening Possessed monsters out, you could only summon Level 6, 7, or 9 monsters. Not that it was particularly necessary to do so in the first place... With that being said, Zoroa being a Level 4 Tuner means he's a perfect tool for summoning almost anything in your Extra Deck, no matter what other monster is out:
- If he's out with a Lv 3 Charmer, you can bring out ⌈Fortune Lady Every⌋ or ⌈Arcanite Magician⌋ easily.
- If he's out with a Lv 4, you can bring out ⌈Time Thief Redoer⌋, ⌈Magistus Goddess Ninaruru⌋, or ⌈Magistus Dragon Vafram⌋, easily.
- If he's out with a Lv 5 Awakening Possessed monster, you can bring out ⌈Datascape Fox - Xianxian⌋ easily.
- And of course he can easily bring out at least 1 of your Link Charmers with ANY monster out, since he is a FIRE monster.
Zoroa's effect is super versatile as well. First of all, it's a Spellcaster with 1500 DEF, which is perfect for this Deck and is why I put him in here in the first place. Since its effect is a "1 per turn" effect, you can keep using it until you run out of Extra Deck cards to use on it. Also, with the new cards in the Extra Deck, you can use Zoroa's effect for a variety of situations. If you use his effect on ⌈Magistus Maiden Artemis⌋, you can bring out another Zoroa, so that if something happens to your Zoroa on the field, you can just Summon another one next turn. Or if you have Grand Spirit Art - Ichirin [F] on the field, you can then swap your other Zoroa for your Inari Fire, which can set you up for an easy Link, Xyz, or Synchro Summon. If you're in a pinch where you opponent has a powerful monster out, as long as it can be destroyed by card effects, you can use Zoroa's effect on ⌈Magistus Dragon Vafram⌋. Then, not only are you safe from most Spell/Trap effects, but you can destroy almost any opponent's monster, nearly risk free. ⌈Magistus Goddess Ninaruru's⌋ effect isn't nearly as versatile with Zoroa's effect as the other two, but if you're close to end-game and your opponent's field is weak, you can use it to clear the field, then let your powerful monster(s) attack.
Now let's talk about the new Extra Deck monsters' stand-alone effects:
- ⌈Magistus Dragon Vafram⌋ has a very self-explanatory stand-alone effect. It makes your opponent hesitant to attack it, for fear of a full, one-sided, field-nuke. If you already have Nefarious Archfiend of Nefariousness in your GY, you can troll your opponent's fear by just using Nefarious's GY effect. Since it destroys the monster you target, ⌈Vafram's⌋ will activate, anyway. That way you'll still have a versatile monster on the field, and you still get your field-nuke. Even better, if you already had Unpossessed [∞] out, since ⌈Vafram⌋ was destroyed, you could use said Trap to bring out Zoroa. Then on your next turn, just use Zoroa's effect to equip it with ⌈Magistus Goddess Ninaruru⌋. Now, along with ⌈Ninaruru's⌋ effect, you get 3 Direct 1500-point Attacks.
- ⌈Magistus Goddess Ninaruru⌋ is slightly less useful. If you're out of Familiar-Possessed monsters when Awakening of the Possessed [∞] is still on the field, you can use ⌈Ninaruru's⌋ effect to bring one of them back. Then Summon it to get your Draw. If you already have Grand Spirit Art - Ichirin [F] on the field, you could use her effect to bring out one of your Charmers or other elemental Spellcasters, and swap it out with one of the Familiar monsters (Jigabyte, Inari Fire, Ranryu, Nefarious Archfiend of Nefariousness). You could also use her effect on one of the Dogmatika monsters. Then just Special Summon it with its effect. Heck, even use it on Zoroa, then you can just Summon him and use his effect to equip either ⌈Ninaruru⌋ or him with ⌈Vafram⌋. Then you can keep resurrecting Spellcasters without worrying about Spell/Trap effects, and you can bulwark your opponent's monsters with some slightly higher ATK.
- ⌈Magistus Maiden Artemis⌋ is probably the least immediately useful monster when she is Summoned. In fact, it's likely best to avoid summoning her in most cases, and just use Zoroa's effect to equip her directly instead. There are a couple situations where her stand-alone effect would be useful. If your opponent already has an Extra Deck monster out, and you conveniently have both of your Dogmatika monsters and another Spellcaster in your hand, you could Summon all 3 (using Dogmatikas' effects to Special Summon them). Next, first Link Summon ⌈Artemis⌋ with the non-Dogmatika Spellcaster monster, then Xyz Summon ⌈Ninaruru⌋ with the Dogmatika monsters. Then ⌈Artemis's⌋ effect will activate and you can equip her to ⌈Ninaruru⌋, use her effect to bring out Zoroa, and use ⌈Ninaruru's⌋ stand-alone effect to bring back one of the Dogmatikas. Then just Special Summon that monster from your hand using its effect again. Even better, if you already had one of the Familiar monsters in your hand as well, you could then use their effects to Special Summon any of them, allowing you to Xyz Summon ⌈Time Thief Redoer⌋ as a final move before a double Xyz attack.
- ⌈Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter⌋ is a little difficult to figure out, at the moment. If you know you'll be summoning a lot of monsters in one turn, I think this card could be useful. Especially if you plan on Synchro or Xyz Summoning or if your opponent has a powerful non-Xyz monster. It lets you change any Special Summoned monster's level to any number from 1 - 8. Then you can also destroy that monster and an opponent's monster with the same Level. So depending on how you want to use it, you can either Extra Summon a monster or destroy an opponent's monster. If you have Teamwork of the Possessed set at least 1 turn before you use ⌈Puzzlomino's⌋ effect, you could destroy up to 2 cards in succession. Use said Trap to summon a Charmer with a different Attribute than ⌈Puzzlomino⌋, destroy a card, and then change that monster's Level to your opponent's monster Level, and use ⌈Puzzlomino's⌋ other effect to destroy their monster. It works in and out of the Extra Zone, so you don't always have to sacrifice a Link monster to use the effect.
That's it for this deck. From here on, until there are any more support cards added, this will be my last Charmer Deck.