Evil Eye is a fiend-type archetype that is centered around an equip spell called the Evil Eye of Selene, which grants immunity and power to any monster equipped with it.
A variety of the main deck and extra deck Evil Eye monsters gain particularly powerful effects (with some drawbacks) when equipped with Selene.
The deck itself plays more of a control deck, using the Evil Eye monsters equipped with Selene to interrupt opponent's plays and deal with problem cards, while the monster equipped with the spell is increasingly difficult to deal with because of Selene's attack boosting effect and granted immunity. The deck itself can main a variety of backrow and tech choices like Super Polymerization, as well as a decent slew of consistency cards (Extravagance, etc.).
Currently the deck feels like "Guru Control with extra steps" but I like the extra deck monsters for the deck, as well as the art. So even if it is similar to my current main deck, I'd like to try to make the deck work.
As I have just recently picked up the deck, any suggestions and constructive criticism welcome!
Side deck subject to change based on local meta game for the most part.