Read first the prototype decks:
A hyper-aggressive deck that focuses on destroying the enemy cards and dealing massive damage. Enough with the introduction, let's discuss the strategy.
1. Golden Castle -> Iron Hans -> Isolde -> Armageddon Knight/Black Luster -> Hero Kids -> Number 29/Apollousa/Unchained/Zeroboros
2. Phantom Knight -> Armageddon Knight -> Plaguespreader -> Crystron Halqifibrax -> Ghost Sister/Ghost Ogre -> --> Crystron Quandax -> Psy Framelord Omega
(Inspector Boarder - block the opponent's combo with a single monster card for maximum troll)
3. Glife -> Twin Twisters + Thunderbird -> Golden Castle -> Iron Hans -> Isolde -> Armageddon Knight/Black Luster -> Hero Kids -> Number 29/Unchained
4. Glife -> Twin Twisters + Danger Thunderbird -> Golden Castle -> Hexe Trude -> Galaxy Eyes Cipher -> Galaxy Blade
5. Armageddon Knight -> Plaguespreader -> Brionac/Goyo Predator
6. Twin Twisters + Thunderbird -> Lava Golem -> Gizmek Orochi / Hexe Trude (effect)
7. Golden Castle -> Iron Hans + Iron Knight -> Exciton Knight (Effect)
8. Black Luster Soldier (effect) -> Gizmek Orochi/Danger! -> Galaxy Cipher/Galaxy Blade
9. Gizmek Orochi + Danger! -> Number 22
10. Hexe Trude (effect) and/or Black Luster (effect) and/or Danger! (effect), Topologic Zeroboros w/ 20+ banished cards
Combo #1: The main combo that can lock or restrict the enemy's action.
Combo #2: Summons the prince of synchro monsters (psy framelord omega) which gives you huge advantage.
Combo #3: Destroys atleast 3 trap/spell cards and gives you a nice amount of firepower.
Combo #4: Destroys 2 trap/spell cards, 1 set card, 2 any card on your enemy's field. Destroys a total of 5 cards your opponent controls.
Combo #5: A weak combo which can return most of your opponent's cards to the hand by discarding your own hand.
Combo #6: Destroys 2 trap/spell cards, 1 set card, 2 unbeatable boss monsters, and almost clear the enemy's field.
Combo #7: Nukes your opponent's field (use it against altergeist decks, sky strikers, subterrors)
Combo #8: Banishes 1 face-up monster, destroys 1 monster/spell/trap, and destroys another monster.
Combo #9: Destroys a boss monster, and deals good damage.
Combo #10: Destroys enemy cards then ends the game dealing 10000+ damage to your enemy.
Armageddon Knight/Dark Grepher targets: Orcust Knightmare, Plaguespreader Zombie, Gizmek Orochi.
Always check your graveyard and banished cards to see if you have any cards left before using Golden Castle.
Try to use l:P Masquerena when using link summon on strong monsters.
Use your side deck against annoying decks.
Be intelligent in choosing which monsters to discard.