2024-01-21 10:33:25
+ 1Lava Golem+ 1Marauding Captain+ 1Drill Warrior+ 1Change of Heart+ 1Noble Arms of Destiny+ 1Infinite Impermanence+ 1Mordschlag+ 1Small Scuffle+ 1Ha-Re the Sword Mikanko+ 1Axe of Fools+ 1Colossal Fighter+ 1Junk Anchor+ 1Boo-Boo Game+ 1Backup Squad+ 1Apprentice Illusion Magician+ 1Reinforcement of the Army+ 1Linkslayer+ 1Ultimate Providence+ 2Armory Call+ 1Infernoble Knight Captain Roland+ 1Solemn Strike+ 1Double-Edged Sword+ 1Draining Shield+ 1Seven Swords Warrior+ 1Junk Breaker+ 1Twin Twisters+ 1Mirror Force+ 1Chevalier de Fleur+ 1Celtic Guard of Noble Arms+ 1Wild Tornado+ 1Gaia the Fierce Knight Origin+ 1Psychic Rover+ 1Supermagic Sword of Raptinus+ 1Gilford the Legend+ 1The Monarchs Stormforth+ 1Dododo Warrior+ 1Monster Reborn+ 1Baronne de Fleur+ 1Magnum Shield+ 1War Rock Mammud+ 1Rookie Warrior Lady+ 1Robbin' Goblin+ 1Nomadic Force+ 1Spell Striker+ 1Action Magic - Full Turn
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