Do you like Fusion spam? Me too!
Don't use Dark Law together with the other Masked HEROs, as their effects won't go off due to them requiring cards to be sent to the GY - Dark Law causes your opponent's cards to be banished instead of going to the GY.
Shadow Mist is a critical searcher for the deck. His effect lets you search out a HERO if he's sent to the GY, which is incredibly easy to do thanks to Polymerization, Vision HERO Vyon, and Mask Change. He can also search out a Mask Change if he's special Summoned (such as with Solid Soldier), but you can't use both of those effects on the same turn. If you want to trigger both, you can set Mask Change after you Special Summon him, then use it during your opponent's turn for a Dark Law play to trigger his search effect. I myself usually just use the HERO search effect, though, as I find it more useful.
Blazeman lets you search out Polymerization on summon, but you can also use him to send another Elemental HERO to the GY to become that Attribute. Useful for Mask Change plays. Like Shadow Mist, you can only use one of the effects per turn.
Vision HERO Vyon can send a HERO from the deck to the GY on Summon, so you can use him to proc Shadow Mist's search effect. He can also banish a HERO from the GY to search out Polymerization. The first effect is a hard once per turn, while the second is a soft once per turn. Unlike Shadow Mist and Blazeman, you can use both on the same turn.
For Fusion spam, you're going to want to go into Elemental HERO Sunrise. He can search out Miracle Fusion on summon, which lets you turn him into Wake Up Your Elemental HERO right after that. If you have a Polymerization or another Miracle Fusion, you can summon out another Sunrise or another HERO Fusion.
In most situations, you'll want to use Polymerization before you use Miracle Fusion. Miracle Fusion banishes from the field and GY to Fusion Summon, so you can use the monsters you just sent to the GY with Poly for another Fusion Summon.
Keep in mind that Favorite Contact does not treat the Special Summon as a Fusion Summon.