A deck using the new Eldlich archetype, using a lot of control, and adding powerfull fusion monsters thanks to invoked.
Things you can do going first:
-If you can get Aleister the Invoker, summon it, get invocation, summon Almiraj, summon Secure Gardna, fusion summon Mechaba, get Aleister back in the hand with Invocation GY effect (so you have at least a monster for Mechaba effect or using the HT boosting Mechaba, in case of the opponent forgot about him).
-Try to send Eldlich the Golden Lord to the GY with Invocation. Get him back on the field by destroying Cursed Eldland (and sending a trap to the GY, using the End Phase effect to set an Eldlixir on the field) or a trap card (and effect in GY for this trap).
Most of the time, you'll have Eldich 3500 ATK almost invulnerable and some negates with traps/Mechaba/HT.
Going second is almost the same.
Tips: If you have two Eldlich and the opponent has no trap or HT (or if you're almost sure), you can Summon Rail Canon Gustav, effect (-2000), summon Rail Canon Juggernaut, effect (6000 ATK) and ending (it can attack 3 times on ennemy's monsters.)
Juste check this vidéo against Sacred Beasts, going second, impossible win:
A vidéo against Salamngreat (and a bad start with no Invoked on board):
Another one going second (not the better start) against Hamon, tough win:
A last one against Mermail, he couldn't do anything:
Hope you'll enjoy this deck :) Feel free to ask some questions, i'll try to help, or adding suggestions!