Like many Eldlich decks, focus on maintaining control of the board through traps like Torrential Tribute and Solemn Judgment/Strike and combos with Eldlixir of Scarlet Sanguine and various Golden Land traps until you can build your card advantage. Extras like Skill Drain (most ideal simply because it's a one-time LP cost to shut down effects entirely) and Gozen Match, which is an ace-in-the-hole against decks that rely on many different attributes to be effective, can fill the gaps. Finally, finish up with Eldlich the Golden Lord or any of the XYZ summons, namely Gustav Max and Juggernaut Liebe, which can be a pretty crazy OTK combo given the right circumstances.
I've had a solid experience running a similar deck on Master Duel, and so far it has translated well to TCG play.