Earth Machine is the 2nd best deck after pendulum. It’s a combo control deck that focuses on out grinding your opponent. It also doesn’t typically use negates as interruption, instead relying on traps and destruction. The main goal in any duel going 1st is to get your engine flowing, survive your opponent’s turn, and then proceed to pop off now you have all your best cards in your GY and hand. The best build of the deck is no longer budget due to Machina Metalcruncher rising to 14$, but I will leave a budget list below.
Strengths: Infinitracks let you modulate your levels to access a large variety of ranks you usually wouldn’t be able to, meaning you can hard summon Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS – Sky Thunder!
The Engine is not too large, allowing to you to main deck about 6-12 going 2nd cards.
Forbidden Droplet is incredible here because it can function both as a trap and a board breaker. Since your turn one board isn’t extraordinarily strong, you can use droplet as additional interruption. The basic 1 card combo alone creates 2 monsters on field that don’t do much that you can send, and since you only need 1 card to combo, you can afford to send a lot of your hand as well.
You are not completely reliant on your extra deck. Even if you are locked out of it, you still have Machina Fortress and Machina Citadel.
The deck plays well under skill drain due to high attack monsters and easy summoning conditions.
This deck also has a searchable El Shaddoll Winda out in the form of Machina Fortress.
Weaknesses: This deck is extremely GY reliant, so any cards like Dimension Shifter and Macro Cosmos arevery detrimental.
Combos lose hard to most hand traps. Droll and Lock Bird, Ash Blossom and Joyous Spring, Nibiru, the Primal Being, and Gamma are some of the worst.
If your normal summon is removed from the field, you will not be able to use any Infinitracks in your hand.
You do not play many extenders so playing through multiple interruptions can be tough.
1 card main combo
This combo needs either Machina Metalcruncher, Infinitrack Harvester, Machina Redeployment, or Heavy Forward
All these cards are played at three, so you have 12 cards combo starters.
1.)I will use Machina Metalcruncher as my starter. Normal summon Machina Metalcruncher, revealing 3 Infinitrack Brutal Dozer and searching one of them.
2.)Activate Infinitrack Brutal Dozer in hand tributing Machina Metalcruncher. In special summon of Infinitrack Brutal Dozer the secondary effect will activate allowing you to summon Infinitrack Trencher from deck. Using Dozer and Trencher, XYZ summon Infinitrack River Stormer.
3.)Activate Infinitrack River Stormer effect detaching Infinitrack Trencher to search Super Express Bullet Train.
(If you already have it thenyou can search Heavy Freight Train Derricrane. At the end of the combo revive bullet with the Double Headed Anger Knuckle, and the summon Derricrane from your hand to make Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora.)
4.) Special summon Super Express Bullet Train Linking into Infinitrack Goliath using Infinitrack River Stormer also link again using Infinitrack Goliath and Super Express Bullet Train into Ancient Gear Ballista.
5.)Ballista will add Ancient Gear Box triggering its effect to add Infinitrack Tunneller to hand. Use Infinitrack Tunneller effect to tribute Ancient Gear Ballista, summoning itself then link it into Infinitrack Goliath
6.)Using Infinitrack Trencher effect in GY to summon back Dozer who we link off to summon other Infinitrack Goliath. Finally, we will summon Double Headed Anger Knuckle.
7.)If there is another level 10 special summon in your hand go on and use it on the summon of Knuckle, then use the effect of Knuckle discarding ancient gear box to summon back express going into number 81 activating its effect detaching Express.
8.)Infinitrack Tunneller will shuffle back 5 Earth machine monsters unto the deck your targets will be your starter, all 3 Infinitrack Goliath, and Ancient Gear Ballista
Now on your opponent’s turn use Double Headed Anger Knuckle effect to discard the Ancient Gear Box in your hand to special summon back the Super Express Bullet Train. This means that at the end of the turn, if your Bullet was destroyed you can add back box and search Infinitrack Anchor Drill. This leaves you with a straightforward way to make a rank 8 and a Dozer in hand. In your GY you’ll have a River Stormer, Anger Knuckle, Bullet Train, and Box, which should all help make some strong follow up plays.
This is the main combo of Earth Machine. This was created by the pioneer of the deck, Aerosol_tcg, and I will link more of his fantastic combos below.
If you draw the box….
The starter in this combo matters. Harvester is going to be better here, but Cruncher can be used if there is a Trencher in GY.
Nowdrawing Ancient Gear Box sucks, as it’s the only garnet in this deck, but you can get out of it and get the engine flowing anyway.
1.)Normal summon Infinitrack Harvester and add to hand a copy of Infinitrack Brutal Dozer. Using Infinitrack Harvestor. link summon Infinitrack Goliath.
2.)Activate Infinitrack Brutal Dozer effect in hand to tribute the Infinitrack Goliath and special summon itself. Infinitrack Brutal Dozer will summon Infinitrack Tunneller.
3.)Using Infinitrack Brutal Dozerand Infinitrack Tunneller overlay into Infinitrack River Stormer. Activate Infinitrack River Stormer effect by detaching Infinitrack Trencher to search Super Express Bullet Train and summon it.
4.)Link summon another Infinitrack Goliath using Infinitrack River Stormer, then link summon Double Headed Anger Knuckle using Infinitrack Goliath and Super Express Bullet Train.
5.)Use Double Headed Anger Knuckle effect to discard the Ancient Gear Box to summon back the Super Express Bullet Train.
6.)Activate Infinitrack River Stormer effect in GY to tribute the Double Headed Anger Knuckle.
7.)Use Infintrack Tunneller effect in GY to shuffle back 2 Infinitrack Goliath, Double Headed Anger Knuckle, Ancient Gear Box, and the Infinitrack Brutal Dozer/Starter.
8.)Link summon Ancient Gear Ballista to search the Ancient Gear Box triggering Box effect to add Infinitrack Trencher.
9.)Tribute Ancient Gear Ballista to summon Infinitrack Trencher, then use it to link summon Infinitrack Goliath. Use Infinitrack Trencher effect in GY to summon back Infinitrack Harvester. Use Harvester then to link summon Double Headed Anger Knuckle.
This combo ends the same as a 1st but takes an extra card. Thanks to Yishan for showing this, drawing Box can be very irritating.
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