This is a combo deck that is adapt at setting up a turn one board and recurring its high value cards through the effects of cards like super express bullet train, the infinitrack XYZ and double headed anger knuckle to ensure that we have the recourses to play a grind game or go for a turn 3 lethal.
The core combo
The core combo is to normal summon either infinitrack harvester or machina metalcruncher then using their on summon effects to search for infinitrack brutal dozer then you use the effect of brutal dozer to tribute your harvester or metalcruncher to special summon it self to then use its effect to summon infinitrack trencher from the deck. The you want to overlay them to XYZ summon infinitrack river stormer you then use stormers effect to detach and search for Therion "King" Regulus you then use King's effect to summon himself and to equip the harvester or metalcruncher in your gy to him (This is your fifth summon so you have avoided Nibiru). Also with some hands you don't want to search king for example if you have a revolving switchyard in your hand you would rather search derricrain or if you have detticain in your hand you would like to search for bullet. But continuing with the king line you would link off the river stormer for a goliath and activate the effect of trencher in your gy to bring back the brutal dozer you then link off dozer for goliath the link off both goliaths for an ancient gear ballista to search for an ancient gear bot which will then search for the infinitrack tunneller. Then you activate the tunneller tribute the ballista to summon itself then link off the tunneller for a goliath and use the gy effect of river stormer to tribute the goliath to summon itself(Don't use goliaths effect) then activate the effect if tunneller in gy to shuffle the brutal dozer, the three goliaths and the ancient gear ballista into the deck to draw two cards, that's the core combo the rest depends on your hand and what you draw the main thing is that your always looking for a way to summon number 81 with a derricrain attacked to it as effectively an unaffected zoodiac drident.