It has basic strategy like old drytron, plus a couple of new ones like GY disruption using evigishki mind augus (also enabling resourse recycle), doom originator vassal dragon.
Trillion is a light fairy monster, so you can add it to your hand using benten. Get both the Zoa and dogmaticalabre to hand. Summon it by dumping tzolkin from ed to gy.
New boss monster (Zoa dogmatika) that can destroy extra deck monster, you can even summon both this card and white relic of dogmatika turn 1.
White relic + lyrilusc + a high atk monster = otk? :)
spright elf + dyna mond: Interruption.
Dyna mond can revive ritual monster, in case your Zoa dies.
Scareclaw tri heart, could protect you for a few turns? (just a theory, i am planning against some pesky monsters like psychic end punisher, ....)
Maybe more, but I forgot.
People seem to not appreciate Evigishki Mind Augus, you can shuffle opp's core cards like drytron, brick cards, dpe back to their deck.
You can recycle back extra deck monsters, ritual monsters, ritual spells so that you can add them back next, or during that turn to have more resources.
After depleting all Zeus's materials, you can use ritual spell, Zeus (is a machine monster), tribute Zeus summon Mind augus, shuffle back lyrilusc + downerd + zeus to ed. Use gamma tribute mind augus, summon it + another drytron, make zeus again.
Oh right, mind augus is a lv6 monster.