Like all drytron decks, this one is also combo-based, but this time, w/o the use of the herald and the cyber angel engine(s).
Key cards: Nekroz of Areadbahair(For monster effect negation, either tribute itself, or if there's monsters in hand, use those to keep it on board), Drytron Mu-Beta Fafnir(preferably summoned with 5 mats so even after summoning the 2 rituals, it still has a s/t neg), Drytron Gamma Eltanin(Main Xyz enabler, helps to set up board), Zeta aldibah and alpah thuban to search out the ritual monsters/spells, delta altais for additional draw power(beta rastaban is really for recovery purposes after the usage of one of the drytron ritual monsters, so not as important). 1 of of both drytron rituals(draconids is better for first turn, and beta rastaban can recycle the cards used by draconids back to the graveyard while getting a body on board, but as quadrantids is perfectly serviceable, as it floats into 2 of the main deck, non ritual drytons in gy upon destruction, or into mu-beta fafnir, as it's also a 2k drytron monster).
I'm using 3 of the ritual spells due to their recursion+searchability(via aldibah and the field spell). So naturally, I'm running 3 copies of drytron fafnir due to its search capability+(minor) disruption ability(level reduction), 3 copies of nova(once-per turn deck summon of a main deck, non ritual drytron monster) and 3 copies of meteor shower.
Staple cards:
Metaverse/Terraforming to search out fafnir
3 Where arf thou?/ 3 Cyber emergency to search out the main deck/non ritual drytrons(cyber can search rituals as well, but preferably use it to search the non rituals)
3 Infinite Impermiance(potential omni neg/ useful 2nd turn card)
1 called by the grave(In 2021 ocg its semi limited, so put 2 if possible)
1 Monster reborn(no need for explanations here)
(I didn't put ash, but use it if necessary).
Extra deck
3 copies of mu-beta fafnir(enables easier ritual summons/provides st neg)
3 copies of sylvan princesssprout(search+dump)
2 copies of anima and linkuriboh(monster removal+recursing attack interceptor)
1 of Knightmare pheonix,unicorn and cerberus(feel free to use other generic links)
1 copy of assembled nightingale(use as possible alternate wincon+a sticky body)
1 copy of Borrelsword Dragon(I put it in there, but feel free to use other link bosses like appolusa, saros, borreload, etc.)(I've tried Nephthys, the Sacred Flame, and while it was decent, It's actually better to leave the ritual mons on board, so use it at your own discretion.)
Overall, this deck is fairly consistent, as long as you have at least 1-2 copies of the key cards, you can easily go into fafnir with a st neg, and one of the dryton rituals(this is the worst case scenario). Weak against nibiru, as you need to spam ur main deck drytrons, and of course, ash and other handtraps, but due to the stickiness of the drytron monsters you can easily build back your board as long as you have a ritual monster in hand(or a drytron monster).