A version of Dragon Link with a more significant emphasis on Dragonmaids.
Why Should I play this deck?
They hit two of Yu-Gi-Oh's most popular archetype, Dragons and Waifus.
Archetype gimmicks turns battle phase into crazy advantage. Its cards are also all good.
Dragonmaid Tidying is a very good card.
How to play:
Turn 1: Try to make Hieratic Seal. Then look to set up Tidying, and depending on the hand, you can either make Borreload Savage or Dragonmaid Sheou.
Turn 2: Try not to die. If they tried to enter battle phase to force seal, tribute seal in battle phase. Consider whether you need to use Tidying's removal on your turn against multiple backrow or as a extender.
Turn 3+: Don't tried to force a OTK, use the battle phase to bounce the Dragonmaids to hand and make Seal, Sheou, or Tidying, or all of them.
Card Explanation:
Noctovision Dragon: There are several version of decks where its cut down to 1. Maybe it bricks, but the deck is slow enough that drawing two isn't a death sentence, and it can also be used as fusion material for Dragonmaid Sheou. It is a crazy card that protect your backrow.
Dragonmaid Nudyarl: The other option is Dragonmaid Ernus, which special a Dragonmaid from hand. I don't feel the need for the extra summons, and the slow D.D. Crow can be useful.
Dragonmaid Hospitality: It bricks at 3. :) You can cut it down to one, but I run two because I do use the second one.
Rokket Recharger: Honestly, I haven't think too much about the Rokket card. Its a target for Rokket Tracer that isnt too bad when you draw it.
World Legacy Guardragon: Broken card, I once move Dragonmaid Sheou across the board 2 times. Its a reborn that enables Pisty. Its better than hospitality because it can target Rokket cards.
Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay: Its bad for some matchup, but just use it as a fusion material.
Dragonmaid Sheou/ House Dragonmaid: Sheou needs a House Dragonmaid to negate, and it comes up.
Halqifibrax: Ash is the only target, I haven't really tested other targets, but Rokket Synchron is target to replace with Upstart Goblin.