The idea is to summon Elemental Mistress Doriado so that each copy of Awakening of the Possessed gives all monsters +1500 ATK each (1800 if a DARK card is in play). You then proceed to beatdown with a bunch of easily summonable Level 4 / Rank 4 / Link monsters that become much more threatening with the additional ATK.
Dark Doriado makes all non-LIGHT or DARK monsters gain an additional 1000 (1200 if a DARK card is in play).
Magical Abductor searches Dark Doriado or a copy of itself and opens up a Pendulum Summon option.
Link laddering is easy by using Artemis if you don't have a LIGHT monster, then Lyna, then Selene. Lyna can steal an opponent's LIGHT monster from GY to make it even easier to summon Selene. Trick Clown can go into Selene by itself if you use it to summon Artemis, revive it, then use those two to make Lyna, then steal a LIGHT monster.
Fairy Tail Rella can use Bamboo Swords or Wonder Wand to draw more. Awakening of the Possessed combos with Lyna, Selene, FP Lyna and Rella to draw 1. Pre-Prep searches Doriado and its Ritual Spell.
Selene can summon Jowgen the Spiritualist from your hand or GY on the opponent's turn to lock them out of Special Summons. If you trigger Jowgen to destroy Special Summoned monsters while you control Awakening of the Possessed, your Familiar-Possessed monsters will survive destruction. This also goes for Time Wizard of Tomorrow.
Bujintei Tsukuyomi or Dugares the Timeless can be used as a draw extender and then goes into Drill Dozer Vespinato, which benefits from both Awakening of the Possessed and Dark Doriado's ATK gain.
The Dogmatika monsters can freely summon from hand if you turn 1 monster into Artemis or use Instant Fusion, which makes Link Summoning or playing Rank 4s easier.
Artemis and Fairy Tail Rella can be used to manipulate Cursed Bamboo Sword by attaching it and linking away or discarding it to attach another copy to Rella, then search Golden Bamboo Sword. Foolish Burial Goods also triggers it to search Broken or Golden Sword.
In a pinch Bagooska can be useful since it doesn't negate Doriado's effect (it doesn't activate) and your Link monster (Lyna or Selene) is unaffected by it.