Doodle Beast Dinosaur (Master Duel April 9th Banlist)
Deck Primer
Doodle Beast Dinosaur is a mild variation on the Dinosaur deck. It utilizes the Doodle Beast cards. Their monsters, "Doodle Beast - Stego" and "Doodle Beast - Tyranno" enable a point of disruption on your opponent's turn. By using the Doodle Beast - Tyranno's effect in hand to quick effect, tribute summon it to your field by tributing 1 Dinosaur monster you control. Its trigger effect on summon lets you non-target destroy one monster on the field. I'm also utilizing "True King Lithosagym, The Disaster" as the Doodle Beasts are both Earth monsters, enabling more ways into Lithosagym's summon to banish three different cards from your opponent's Extra Deck.
True King Combo
Your True King Combo is a combo that uses the effect of "True King Lithosagym, The Disaster" to start out our turn. It's a decently powerful combo that can end with a fair amount of powerful monsters on the board if the right cards are destroyed for its effect to summon.
True King Lithosagym, The Disaster Effect > Destroy Babycerasaurus + 1 other Monster > Summon Lithosagym > Babycerasaursus Mandatory Effect > Summon Souleating Oviraptor from Deck.
From this point, the other monster you destroyed will come into play. If you destroyed another Dinosaur monster that isn't one of the recruiters, you can use Oviraptor to add Miscellaneousaurus to your hand. *(If you've already drawn into Misc you can add Doodle Beast - Stego instead to summon it to add and discard "Doodlebook - Uh uh uh!".)* Activating Miscellaneousaurus's effect from hand, and then banishing it and your other non-recruiter Dinosaur to summon Babycerasaurus. Summoning this Babycerasaurus will allow us to use Souleating Oviraptor's second effect to destroy it and summon the other one from the GY. On the mandatory effect of Babycerasaurus we will summon Animadorned Archosaur. Archosaur's effect will trigger to destroy the Babycerasaurus summoned from your GY to add Double Evolution Pill and activate the second Babycerasaurus. This Babycerasaurus can summon out one of our Scap Raptors *(Should we have not drawn into all available copies in the deck.) Alternatively you can summon out Giant Rex.
Moving forward, I will illustrate paths that can be taken with both of these options. As a refresher, our current board would look as follows: 1 Lithosagym, 1 Oviraptor, 1 Animadorned, either 1 Scrap Raptor or Giant Rex, and the potential Doodle Beast - Stego.
With this current field, we can start digging into our Extra Deck to develop our end board. If we have Scrap Raptor we could use its effect, destroying our Animadorned to give us another Normal Summon of a Scrap Monster. We could then use the Scrap Raptor and the Lithosagym to make Scrap Wyvern, for which I will go over the combo later on.
If we have Giant Rex we can use Oviraptor and Giant Rex to make "Evolzar Dolkka". Alternatively, because we used Animadorned Archosaur's effect to add Double Evolution Pill, we could use the Lithosagym and Giant Rex to make "I:P Masquerena". This would give us follow-up during the opponent's turn, and get the Giant Rex in the GY to be banished with Lithosagym off of Double Evolution Pill to summon Ultimate Conductor Tyranno from our deck. This will trigger the Giant Rex's effect to special summon itself back to the field because it was banished. If we have Stego on field we can use it as the 1 card tribute effect of the Doodle Beast - Tyranno in our hand that we added off of Doodlebook - Uh uh uh!'s GY effect on our opponent's turn.
Scrap Combo
Your Scrap Combo enables your Synchro plays. By utilizing the trio of Scrap Raptor, Scrap Chimera, and Scrap Wyvern, you can be presented with a lot of summoning power to push out Synchro monsters from your Extra Deck to make your finished board that much stronger.
To start, Scrap Raptor can destroy a monster you control, giving you an additional Normal Summon for Scrap monsters. Scrap Raptor can also search out a non-tuner Scrap monster from your deck if it's destroyed by the effect of a Scrap monster. This effect easily plays into itself as Scrap Raptor can be its own target for its first effect. You're searching out Scrap Chimera with this effect, and Scrap Chimera can Special Summon a Scrap tuner monster. While Chimera can't be used as a Synchro material for anything other than a Scrap monster, it can still act as generic Link material. Scrap Wyvern is a Link-2 monster that needs two monsters including a Scrap monster to summon. It can bring back a Scrap monster from your GY to your field and then it destroys one card you control. Its other effect lets you Special Summon a Scrap monster from deck when a Scrap monster is destroyed while its on the field and then destroy any 1 card on the field, non-targeting. Your combo in action will look something like this:
Scrap Raptor Effect > Destroy itself to give additional Normal Summon > Scrap Raptor Effect to Add Scrap Chimera > Normal Summon Scrap Chimera > Scrap Chimera Effect to Revive Scrap Raptor > Link Scrap Raptor + Chimera into Scrap Wyvern > Wyvern Effect to Revive Scrap Raptor then Destroying Scrap Raptor > Scrap Chimera Trigger Effect to Special Summon another Scrap Raptor from Deck.
Suppose you refer back to the above True King Combo -- we ended on a fair number of monsters on our board with that. If we go through that same example and have a Scrap Raptor instead of Giant Rex, we could use the Scrap Raptor to destroy the Animadorned Archosaur and then use Scrap Raptor and Lithosagym to make Wyvern. This play would allow us to use the Wyvern to bring back the Scrap Raptor and destroy it, triggering both Wyvern and Raptor's effects at the same time and allowing you to Chain Block. This lets you insulate one of the cards on the chain from something like "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring".
Because this combo produces a level 4 Tuner, you have a couple of options to play with in the Extra Deck. I've gone with two options in this deck: Borreload Savage Dragon as it can act as a negate against almost any card, and Geomathmech Final Sigma because it can be made off of a Doodle Beast - Tyranno and a Scrap Raptor, and it's funny. Feel free to play around with other options.
Dinosaur Combo
The Dinosaur combo is your main show. It's what is going to give you access to almost all of your deck, and let you do very powerful plays that end on a variety of monsters that act as disruption. Your main playmaker is Souleating Oviraptor. It can add a Dinosaur from your deck to your hand and it can revive a dino from your GY be destroying a different dino on your field. I'll go over what a combo with Oviraptor will generally look like:
Summon Souleating Oviraptor and Activate Effect to Search > Add Miscellaneousaurus > Activate Miscellaneousaurus > Activate Miscellaneousaurus in the GY > Summon Animadorned Archosaur > Animadorned Archosaur Effect Destroy a Dinosaur *(Optimally you want to destroy either Babycerasaurus or Petiteranodon with the effect of Animadorned Archosaur so you can get an additional summon out of them)* > Add Double Evolution Pill.
If we start Oviraptor + Miscellaneousaurus, Oviraptor + Fossil Dig, or Miscellaneousaurus + Fossil Dig, you can use the Oviraptor to search out one of your recruiter Dinosaurs to use for the destruction effect of Animadorned Archosaur we'll summon off of Miscellaneousaurus.
If we have a recruiter Dinosaur like Babycersaurus we can destroy it with Animadorned's effect to add the Double Evolution Pill. The Babycerasaurus's effect can summon out a Petiteranodon. You can then proceed to use your established Oviraptor to destroy the Petiteranodon and summon the Babycerasaurus back from the GY. Petiteranodon's effect will activate, letting you summon Scrap Raptor from the deck.
In this current position, we can use the Scrap Raptor's effect to destroy the Babycersaurus to gain an additional Normal Summon of a Scrap monster. Then the Babycerasaurus can summon out either Giant Rex to act as an extender. By using it and Scrap Raptor to make Scrap Wyvern, or to summon the second Petiteranodon to destroy at the end of the Scrap Wyvern's last effect to summon out a Dinowrestler Pankratops from the deck. This acts as disruption for the opponent's next turn. *(Refer to above Scrap Combo for more details.)
There are uses for each option. Summoning out Giant Rex gives you the ability to later use it as one of the banished materials for Double Evolution Pill or even Ultimate Conductor Tyranno if you drew into it. Giant Rex could then summon itself back out to then be made into an Evolzar Dolkka or an Evolzar Laggia with the Souleating Oviraptor.
Tech Choices and Final Thoughts
To elucidate some of my Extra Deck choices, I will go over why I've decided to play specific choices and suggest alternatives. To start I've decided to play Linkuriboh + Secure Gardna because in some scenarios it can be used to turn Animadorned Archosaur into a 1-card Ultimate Conductor Tyranno by ising the Animadorned to summon Linkuriboh and then use the Linkuriboh to summon Secure Gardna. This lets the Double Evolution Pill banish the Secure Gardna + Animadorned to summon UCT from deck.
Likewise I'm playing Bagooska for if there's ever a hand I have where I can't do too much beyond summoning 2 level 4s that don't get the combo fully going if the rest of the hand isn't optimal. It also has some niche utility in games where you can link climb into Accesscode Talker to close out the game while keeping your opponent's on-field monsters at bay.
I'm playing Linguriboh as a way to out Knightmare Corruptor Iblee. Spright players can take advantage of Knightmare Corruptor Iblee by having it special summon to your side of the field, locking you out of special summoning anything except Link monsters. Spright players will try to set this up with a I:P Masquerena as a way to make Knightmare Unicorn and bounce your normal summon back to hand, stopping you from making a Link-2 with your normal summon and Iblee. The Linguriboh gives you a safe way to remove it from your field with no commitment attached. It also has the benefit of being a trap card negate, which could come up against something like Infinite Impermanence or Evenly Matched.
I'm playing Abyss Dweller as tool to shut down GY centralized decks. It can easily shut down a lot of different archetypes and is farily accessible with the amount of level 4 monsters we have the ability to summon out.
Other choices could include cards like Knightmare Phoenix or Tornado Dragon as a way to destroy Spells/Traps. Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder can be played as a payoff for attacking with an XYZ monster giving you a quick effect board wipe. PSY-Framelord Omega can be played as a way to rip cards out of your opponent's hand, as well as being able to return itself and another card in the GY back to the deck. Underworld Goddess of the Closed World can be utilized as a way to get rid of big monsters with a lot of protection on your opponent's side of the field.
The Dinosaur deck is a fun toolboxy deck that has a lot of power to do a lot of powerful plays. Its extra deck can be tinkered with a lot to the pilot's preferences. The main deck offers a nice amount of versaility in summoning boss monsters as well. With cards like Ultimate Conductor Tyranno, Dinowrestler Pankratops, and Doodle - Beast Tyranno the deck has a fair amount of big monsters that can close out games. The intoruduction of the Doodle Beast cards can help act as a bridge for some combos depending on what your opening hand looks like. It gives you slightly more options to go into through your combo.
I hope you enjoy this deck and always feel free to try out whatever you like and play it however you feel comfortable. See this sort of as a starting pad to work off of. I hope you've found this profile helpful and informative and happy dueling.
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