Side Deck

2025-01-29 05:03:22
+ 1Expressroid+ 1Instant Fusion+ 1Symphonic Warrior Miccs+ 1Machina Fortress+ 1Greater Polymerization+ 1Dragonroid+ 1Tally-ho! Springans+ 1Therion "King" Regulus+ 1Gigantic "Champion" Sargas+ 1Symphonic Warrior Guitaar+ 1Machina Defense Perimeter+ 1Heavy Freight Train Derricrane+ 1Pair Cycroid+ 1Super Vehicroid - Mobile Base+ 1Harpie's Feather Duster+ 1Superheavy Samurai Monk Big Benkei+ 1Springans Rockey+ 1Qliphort Genius+ 1Vehicroid Connection Zone+ 1Symphonic Warrior Rockks+ 1Urgent Schedule+ 1Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe+ 1Gear Gigant X+ 1Springans Captain Sargas+ 1F.A. Dawn Dragster+ 1Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill+ 1Chain Material+ 1Platinum Gadget+ 1Clockwork Knight+ 1Symphonic Warrior Guitariss+ 1Megaroid City+ 1Steamroid+ 1Machina Unclaspare+ 1Machina Ruinforce+ 1Springans Merrymaker+ 1Symphonic Warrior Synthess+ 1Super Express Bullet Train+ 1Soul Charge+ 1Barbaroid, the Ultimate Battle Machine+ 1Pot of Greed+ 1Superheavy Samurai Soulgaia Booster+ 1Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max+ 1Machina Overdrive+ 1Pot of Acquisitiveness+ 1Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi"+ 1Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido"+ 1Pot of Avarice+ 1Springans Brothers+ 1Chicken Game+ 1Double Wild+ 1Machina Metalcruncher+ 1Symphonic Warrior DJJ+ 1Emergeroid Call+ 1Trap Tracks+ 1Drillroid+ 1Mixeroid+ 1Armoroid+ 1Set Rotation+ 1Terraforming+ 1Painful Choice+ 1Symph Amplifire+ 1Revolving Switchyard+ 1Graceful Charity+ 1Necro Fusion+ 1Foolish Burial+ 1Superheavy Samurai Prodigy Wakaushi+ 1Generalprobe+ 1Clockwork Night+ 1Machina Possesstorage+ 1Machina Redeployment+ 1Machina Citadel+ 1Flying Pegasus Railroad Stampede+ 1Metaverse+ 1Jar of Avarice+ 1Submarineroid

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