A "Jurrac" Deck focuses on destroying monsters by battle to trigger advantage-building effects. With the combination of "Jurrac Velo", "Jurrac Guaiba", and "Fossil Dig", they have lots of search power. "Jurrac" effects tend to deal with destroying monsters by battle and gaining ATK by tributing other Dinosaurs. "Jurrac Giganoto", one of the three "Jurrac" Synchro Monsters, has the ability to grant additional ATK points to "Jurrac" monsters on the field for each "Jurrac" in the player's Graveyard. Notably, many of the "Jurrac" monsters search "Jurracs" with 1700 ATK or less, as opposed to the customary 1500 or less often searched (such as with "Giant Rat", "UFO Turtle", and "Masked Dragon").
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