There is no needing of Conventional Dinosaur Engine.
Rexturm is the Boss: One Side Skill Drain. With Deadly Bites in Battles. Turning all Opponent's monster into simps. Damage Step Player. Beating Over every other Boss monsters in the meta game atm. You name it. Dragoon, DPE, Everthing...
Kentregina and Therizia are the Waifu Bosses and Searcher.
Diplos is helpful: a mill and 500 burn ftw. Will there be another main deck monster? We'll be waiting. Meanwhile. Enjoy the boy.
Ferret Flame is Madly Strong with these guys.
Lord of the Heavenly Prison is a searcher, protector, defender, Beater. Be careful for what you search for. Use it wisely. Next turn. Only.
Gravedigger Trap Hole is a tech card for my own favor, over Trap Trick and Torrential Tribute. As you can see, it deals with Hand trap monsters, and ones that activates in Grave, or Banish Zones.
Dinorphia Reversion: some says it's a bit harder to set it up, but i found it's not the case since you can always have A Fusion Boss on the field. Copying Solemn Powerful Negation, and Sonic. You can trade it for the 3rd Solemn Strike or Sonic if you want, Stealthbegia would make it Free to play anyway.
Stealthbegia can make some excellent play like burning Eldlich then chain Called by the Grave, free 2500lp.
Too bad I can't put Dinorphia Shell into the deck. If only the token could be used For Brute and be Fusion Materials. But it can't. What a pity.
Imperial Order: the deck doesn't sweat paying LP.
Pay Attention to these Threats:
Super Polymerization ( no counter, can only play around it with Rivalry of Warlord, Imperial Order...), be more careful dueling with Despia Albaz, Predaplant, Heroes...
E Hero Honest Neo: don't wait til Dam step, just Brute the attacker away.
Some burning Effect: That despia fusion dragon, Kill it asap, and remember to activate eff of the normal Traps in grave when seeing A burning coming ( Sworld Soul, Trickstar... )
Sky Striker Hayate: Brute it, Ferret Flame it, Solemn it, don't let it attack
Timing to flip cards and activate effects can only be improved by playing more games and becoming skillful with the deck.
I have been playing with this Archetype for a long while, Since its first appearance. With Frenzy and Rexturm come out recently, the deck has got so much stronger. Most Interesting Matchup for me until now are Sky Striker and Eldlich. Thrilling games. Losing dramatically to Sky Striker once and never again since then. Had some easy win also. Beating Eldlich almost everytime, and that one time a kid got so angry he started to use mean words instead of accepting a losing game, not realizing that if getting beaten with opponent at 16lp is a humiliation, it's for him not for me. Hey Yuto on DuelingNexus, Grow up.
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