There are so many fusion engines in this game, man. So, naturally, there comes a time when you look at a pile of purple cards and ask yourself: "how many of these can I cram into a deck and still be playable?" and turns out the answer is: "around five or six".
Your best cards are Branded Fusion and Rainoheart since are one card starters. Thankfully, both are accessible by Emergency Teleport-like effects (Branded Opening and Fusion Deployment). This frees the space for your normal summon so I decided to play the second best fusion normal summon (don't worry, He will make a cameo on this list anyway) without a tutor from deck spell card: Dinomorphia Therizia which searches the frankly absurd Dinomorphia Frenzy to go into Rexterm for a big floodgate. The funny thing is... There's still space for another floodgate in the form of Shaddoll Winda. SInce Branded Fusion is one of the most busted cards in recent memory, you can easily make her by sending Squamata or Beast when fusing Lubellion. If two floodgates aren't enough for you, oh boy, I have great news! By just adding one brick in the form of the dark Hex Sealed monster, you can also make Invoked Caliga if you dump it with Branded Fusion (which at this point is the atlas that carries half the format -which it says a lot considering it's also a format with full power Adventurer engine-). Honestly, at this point I was losing my mind by seriously considering playing Fusion Destiny since it's not only searchable by Alba-Lenatus, but you can also play Destiny Hero Malicious instead of Dasher to have an extra body on the field which can also be recycled by your Tearalaments and play it as if it wasn't semi-limited. Sadly I didn't do it in the end since the way this version of the deck works, you get locked into fusions most of the time so you couldn't really take advantage of this interaction. That being said, I hope someone finds a way to take full advantage of it.
DISCLAIMER: You should really be looking for a Tearalaments/Branded list, since it's the real best version of the deck.