Ideally you'd be playing beyond the pend, access code etc. I'm poor. The deck is ok.
In testing this deck I realised that you usually can't end on a substantial board if you don't use basically your entire hand, so the best ways to play this deck are either guns blasing or using tons of floodgates; but forget about that last part because we're here to have fun!
This is a very, very, very monster heavy build. Its basically just monsters and spells, and those spells also get into monsters, so yeah, I wasn't kidding when I said all gas
The dracoslayers are very consistent. They all either recur, search or special one another. You usually want to open with two-three dracoslayers, one of which should e ignis or powerload.
know when to quit
If you open vector+faceoff, double igknight reload, double charge, either make a negate or bagoo and pass,or straight up scoop. You cannot pop off without a hand full of names
If you open only dinomists, you can usually end on Bahamut + Toad + Cy-Dra Infinity. for really lucky hands you cand end those three plus Abyss Dweller and cross sheep but those combo lines are a bit complicated. It's a pendulum deck folks, it's not gonna come easy.
You'll usually open with an even split of dinos and dracos. if you have ignis and either luster or pegasus, use either of their effects to pop ignis and summon whichever draconame(s) you didn't open with from deck. either normal a guy or scale powerload and summon the other scale. Using those two, make cross sheep. You want to make cross sheep before pend-ing. Always. always make sure you pend a copy of luster; prominance is probably the best archytypal ExD monster in the deck and luster is the only tuner except for niche ignis shenanigans. With Prominances effect you'll want to get a powerload as you'll be making Dinoster in the cross-sheep zone. When you make Dinoster using powerload, make sure you have pegasus in extra; Use her as the other fusion mat if you must. This is where you'll use the effect of powerload getting back pegasus to hand. Use the hand effect of pegasus to discard and protect dracos for the turn. The protection is nice, but you mainly want it to special it from grave with dinoster's effect. mediocre hands might end there, but if you have another extender you can make paladin. special ignis with paladin's effect to the unused cross-sheep zone in case you have to float on your opponents turn. During the end phase you can take pegasus with paladins effect so you can use the hand effect of pegasus on your opponents turn and protect your big guys.
ONE field spell.
In my personal deck I play a copy of the field spell. Cross sheep can help recover the discard so its basically a free card if you play right. We love free cards. The field spell isn't great, but pegasus searches any field spell. If you're a floodgate enjoyer, play zombie world or necrovally, but I like the thematic FS.
Dinomist Howling.
I know it's a gas build, but it is super satisfing to tribute powerload for howling with charge on the field. Going plus 3 on a continuous compulsury evac devise is orgasmic.
Called by the grave
Like all mid decks that feel great when you pop off, ash ruins this deck. You can setup through veiler usually, but ash? No.
Anyway. You won't be winning any events, you probably mightn't even make day 2, Hell, you'll probably get your sh*t mixed by a 4 year old playing a floo deck they traded their happy meal for at your locals, but if you just play with friends and locals you'll have a blast losing to getting evenly matched for your whole board + your life savings + your house + your wife + your kids + and your job, which is what I plan to do once I find other girls who play yu-gi-oh. But man, this deck is fun, complex, cheap(most importantly. The whole deck is like 30 dollars including extra. And 15 of that is exclusivly Cy-Dra Infin and x3 ignis alone) the monsters and lore are pretty cool, and I want to be luster pendulum's and ignis pheonix's wife. Luster, baby, please text me back. I love you.