This deck strongly focuses on keeping a steady supply of Dinomist Monsters on the field and in the hand, as well as keeping some layer of support on the field to keep the deck's momentum going.
The end-goal is to Pendulum Summon into the Extra Deck monsters that control the board, with
Adreus as targeted destruction,
Digvorzhak as a strong mill, field control, and beatstick, and
Utopia the Lightning and
Dragon Ogre as self-buffing beatsticks to bash over high-attack Monsters your opponent may have on the field.
With each Dinomist Monster serving as its own breed of protection, half of them from Battle and the other half for Card Effects, the other support included are
Dinomic Powerload to simultaneously beef Dinomists and nerf the opponent's field,
Dinomist Charge to keep Dinomist monsters cycled from your extra deck into your hand, and the various traps provided in the archetype to either summon, set scales, or retaliate against destroyed Monsters.
Outside of the archetype,
Moray of Greed is a great card to reset a rough hand to get better Dinomists to set scales,
Ash and
Nashipachi as Tuners to go into the powerful Synchros of the deck, and other miscellaneous support to control the field such as
Feather Duster and
Solemn Strike. In regard of the Extra Deck, beyond what was mentioned, it also features generic Machine support through
Karakurei Shogun and
Samurai Destroyer, and better Link support to keep Dinomists cycled and easy to Pendulum Summon, using
Eria the Water Charmer and