About the best version of "pure" Digital Bug you can get (true pure, without the Beetroopers/Spiders and the like is really bad)
Explanation of Spider engine:
Hand: (Mother Spider)
Endboard: (Varudras, with potential Cicada King)
Summon Mother, eff to summon 3 Babies, Baby eff tribute a Baby to make the 2 remaining Babies lvl 10, make Varudras.
If you have any lvl 3 in hand you can use Baby's gy eff to detach from Varudras and summon itself, then NS the 3 and make Cicada King.
Samurai Beetle is in the side deck for a Runick/Banish-centric deck that might banish your cards.
Ultimate Slayer is there, although hard to side in due to the tight Extra Deck.
Book of Eclipse is in the main because it is so good in combination with this deck, Book everything then on the next turn Frozen Lady to wipe everything
Frozen Lady is a card I've always wanted to use, and now it's probably one of this decks best cards. You can slap it on top of Corebage, then slap Lancer on top of that after using it's effect to potentially wipe the field.
Two Zeus is suprisingly mandatory, that and Varudras are about the only ways this deck can even have a chance to win.
With enough practice and skill (I have practice, just not skill) you can win against some good decks on occasion
Another thing to note is that, even though Lady, Eclipse, and Zeus are all going second cards, you still want to go first so you can set up a Cicada King, Scale Bomber, and/or Rhinosebus.