I've seen a few comments around stating how well Diabellestarr could work in Witchcrafters, but couldn't find any deck lists online. Here's a potential deck I made experimenting with a small Diabellestarr package. A few reasons why I wanted to try her:
- She's a spellcaster with a solid statline that's easy to summon and searches "Sinful Spoils" spell/traps, which will typically be "Luciela" in this deck.
- You can discard either a WC spell or "The Sinful Spoils Hunter Fiend" for her summon, the former of which will be returned during the end phase if you have a WC monster on field (which you usually will) and the latter can recycle "Luciela" with its graveyard effect.
- She can be a target for any of the fusion monsters in this deck, either as a Spellcaster (Quintet or Vice-Madame) or a Dark monster (Granguinol)
Otherwise, it plays the same as a regular Witchcrafter deck: get Vice-Madame on the field, use spells or your monster effects to get her effects rolling, and set up your board accordingly. The link monsters are just targets for Pot of P and can be replaced with whatever you prefer if you're missing any of the cards. The side deck isn't too important either; mostly just cards to either counter Ash Blossom (i.e. Crossout/Called) or deal with spell or trap decks (i.e. "Magician's" package and Feather Duster).