Back with another list for you coping Magistus players (such as me). Since it's been a pretty dry season for Magistus support, with our last support being in BODE in 2021, it's been harder and harder to find lists that are both fun and can compete with the current format.
While I haven't playtested this list against much of the top contenders in the format (which in all fairness, this deck will struggle against), this list is fine for casual play and for some local tops if piloted well.
With that being said: let's go ahead and anaylze the best piece of support that has came out in the last few months (and will come out evenutally to TCG), the Diabellestarr and Tainted Treasure's power cards. This has given the deck much more power as Diabellestarr can tribute that Equipped Magistus Monsters and SS herself, giving a free body and spell in the process. Then, you can use Snake-Eye to go into Savage or use Zoroa + Nefariouser Archfiend to go into Croc and then into Baronne. This allows the deck to end on multiple interruptions quite easily.
The best part of this deck is that it can end on (3) interruptions thru multiple handtraps pretty consistently, in that you can use I:P to go into S:P with Possessed Partnerships to give yourself 1 non-targetting destruction, a banish, and a secondary banish.
I'm still in the process of testing out what handtraps I like as well as optimizing what is ran in the deck. Ichirin is interesting as a negate, however it's secondary effect seems hard to play around with.
Have fun with the list and may Magistus get some new support eventually!