*[EDIT: Check "Ideal Starting Hand" Section]
An update to my original "Charming Magicians" Deck, which seems to have gotten fairly popular. This Deck strategy is more or less the same. However, there are now 50 cards, and I got rid of some of the fluff, removing many monsters that didn't work in tandem with the "
Possessed" Spell/Traps (
Ichirin [F], Awakening [∞], &
Unpossessed [∞]), and actually replacing them with monsters that have more combo potential with this Deck in general.
The Deck's goal is still to try and get out
⌈Fortune Lady Every⌋, and then ⌈Datascape Fox - XianXian⌋. I ended up removing ⌈Explosive Magician⌋, because while its effect is useful, unlike ⌈Arcanite Magician⌋, it doesn't give itself Spell Counters upon summoning, making its effect useless if it's the only monster on the field. Plus, ⌈Arcanite Magician⌋ is just better anyway, since you aren't limited to just Spell/Traps. I also removed ⌊Leviar the Sea Dragon⌋ and swapped it for ⌈Time Thief Redoer⌋. I actually haven't tested this change out yet, and I may even end up switching it up again, but I found myself NEVER using ⌊Leviar the Sea Dragon⌋, even when it may have worked. I also wanted to put in an Xyz monster that required less monsters to Special Summon, since both of the Spellcaster Xyz monsters require 3 Level 4 monsters, which can be difficult for a single turn. I ended up side-decking DNA Surgery [∞] and Chocolate Magician Girl. I also ended up removing Wynn the Wind Medium/Channeler, Magical Exemplar, Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane, and Dark Spirit Art - Greed. Wynn was occasionally useful, but any time I had the choice to Special Summon or add a Charmer to my hand, I would just end up going for the "Familiar Possessed" monsters. They are objectively more useful in this deck for 2 reasons. For one, they are Level 4, so they are not only easier to summon, but are much more useful for Xyz and Synchro Summoning. Second, there aren't too many WIND monsters in this Deck, so using Wynn's effect to Summon it isn't readily useful, unless you have multiple Wynn the Wind Charmer monsters in your deck. Magical Exemplar is in a similar boat, because it can be situationally useful, but its ATK/DEF don't mesh with the deck well. I got rid of Spritual Earth Art because Nefarious Archfiend of Nefariousness has basically the same effect, but it Destroys the monster instead of Tributing it, so it can activate Unpossessed's [∞] effect with little cost. I got rid of Greed because it is SUPER risky to use since most decks run on Spells, whereas Traps are much rarer. Finally, I added Fairy Tail - Luna, Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous, Dogmatika Theo, the Iron Punch, Archnemeses Protos, and one more Awakening of the Possessed [∞].
Ideal Starting Hand: (2nd turn)
*[Edit: I misread
Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous's effect. Once you use its effect to add Monster to your hand, you cannot Extra Deck-summon. Also, I overlooked
Angraecum Umbrella's effect, which limits you to Synchro Summoning after you use its effect.]
- Grand Spiritual Art - Ichirin [F],
(Either of these Familiar Possessed monsters: Eria or Wynn),
Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous,
Nefarious Archfiend of Nefariousness,
Angraecum Umbrella
This hand is perfect if you go second. Especially if your opponent already has Extra Deck monsters on the field (This hand also assumes your opponent has an Extra Deck monster out). Even more perfect if your opponent has mostly EARTH monsters.
- First Activate Grand Spiritual Art - Ichirin [∞]. Doing this first can (1) bait your opponent's first negate, so that your next few moves can avoid being negated, and (2) prevent 1 negate once you do the next move.
- Special Summon Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous with its effect.
- Next, Special Summon Nefarious Archfiend of Nefariousness.
- Then Special Summon Awakening of the Possessed - Archfiend Reaper of Nefariousness from the Deck using Nefarious and Ecclesia. Then bring back Ecclesia from the GY with Awakening - Archfiend's effect (this way you still have a 1500 DEF Spellcaster, in case your opponent uses a monster effect).
- Now Link Summon ⌈Aussa the Earth Charmer, Immovible⌋ with Awakening - Archfiend and whichever monster you brought back with Awakening - Archfiend's effect. Then bring out:
(route A) Unpossessed [∞] with Awakening - Archfiend's other effect (only if your opponent has NO EARTH monsters in the GY).
(route B) Awakening of the Possessed [∞] with Awakening - Archfiend's other effect (only if your opponent has EARTH monsters in the GY).
- (6A) Then set Unpossessed [∞].
- (7A) Now that there is a monster in your GY, Normal Summon Angraecum Umbrella, using its effect to discard your Familiar Possessed monster and Special Summon either Lv 4 Spellcaster monster from your GY. (Remember from now on, you can only Summon Synchros from the Extra Deck)
- (8A) Then Synchro Summon ⌈Fortune Lady Every⌋ with your Lv 4 Spellcaster monster and Angraecum Umbrella.
- (9A) Then on the next turn, activate Unpossessed [∞] before your opponent destroys either monster.
- (6B) Then activate Awakening of the Possessed [∞].
- (7B) Use ⌈Aussa the Earth Charmer, Immovible's⌋ effect to Special Summon one of your opponent's GY EARTH monsters.
- (8B) Use that Special Summoned monster and ⌈Aussa⌋ to Link Summon ⌈Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians⌋ (Only do this if there are enough Spells on the Field and in both GYs to use its effect), then you get your Draw from Awakening of the Possessed's [∞] effect.
- (9B) Then use ⌈Selene's⌋ effect to Special Summon Ecclesia.
- (10B) Use Grand Spiritual Art - Ichirin's[∞] effect to swap out your Familiar Possessed monster for the respective "Familiar" monster (Jigabyte, Ranryu). Special Summon that monster you added to your hand with its effect.
- (11B) Special Summon either Awakening - Gogigabyte or Awakening - Rasenryu using the respective Familiar monster and ⌈Selene⌋, then use its Special Summon effect for your benefit.
- (12B) Normal Summon Angraecum Umbrella. Depending on the card you drew with Awakening of the Possessed's [∞] effect, at your own discretion, you can try using the monster's effect to resurrect a GY monster (Remember from now on, you can only Summon Synchros from the Extra Deck).
- (13B) Then Synchro Summon ⌈Fortune Lady Every⌋ with your Lv 4 Spellcaster (presumably Ecclesia) and Angraecum Umbrella.
If all goes well, both routes would start you off with
⌈Fortune Lady Every⌋ and another powerful monster, as well as card effect or battle protection with your Continuous Spell/Trap. They also both set you up next turn for more combos.
For other useful strategies in this deck, check out my other Charmer Deck, because many of those strategies apply here.