In the current meta, add 3 Diviner of the Herald with 1 copy of Trias Hierarchia in place of the Cyberse package. The combo for the Diviner package: summon Diviner of the Herald and activate its effect to send Trias Hierarchia to the graveyard. Avtivate Trias Hierarchia's effect to summon itself from the graveyard by tributing Diviner of the Herald. Now, activate Diviner of the Herald's effect to special summon 1 Level 2 or lower Fairy monster from your hand or Deck. Summon Crystron Halqifibrax and go on from there.
This deck uses 2 extended combos, so choose which one you want to run. That's in Duel 1 & 2. The cards for the 2nd extended combo are in the Side Deck. The base combo with one Deskbot 001 is in Duel 3. This deck is mainly a going 1st deck. We use Archlord Kristya in this build to lock Special Summoning. There are cases you might end up with more than 4 fairies in grave because you used one of the Heralds in hand effects. Pot Of Avarice could help with that at the end of the combo if you have it in hand. Other than that, they are extra fodder for Herald of Perfection. Sauravis, the Ancient and Ascended is to protect you from hand traps.