With the new up-coming support, here is my new and improved Dark Magician Deck. Illusion Of Chaos and Magicians Salvation add consistency to the deck that it desperately needed. Timaeus, is the all new fusion spell we all wanted and needed. being a searchable Timaeus via Illusion Of Chaos and Soul Servant. Of course, The deck had to include the REF package after it escaped the banlist! The main plays of the deck are still building your board of DMC, Eternal Soul and Dragoon if possible with added control themed cards such as Crackdown, Infinite Impermanence, Ash Blossom and so on. Any of these types of cards are fantastic additions to the deck.
And yes! i do still Run Bond Betweeen Teacher And Student with Dark Burning Magic waiting in the rear. It is still a great surprise move that can catch your opponent off guard, however I do understand if you disagree with this fact. If needed it can be replaced by other cards to aid the consistency of the deck with cards such as Up-Start Goblin or even more control themed cards. Dark Renewal as well as Dark Magic Veil are still waiting in the Side-deck to help when I need the Extra Revival of your main monsters.
Ratios is a hot topic at the moment with Dark Magician, however I maintain that having DM, DMC and Eternal Soul all at 3 is not a bad thing. Yes dropping to 2 can help but over all they are your man combo pieces which you do want to see as quick as possible, not that they are the only plays the deck an do anymore. However, I can confirm that the time you drop any of these cards to less then 3 will be the one time you will want the Extra Copies. That being said, if i was to drop ratios, I would drop Dark Magician to 2 copies, this being because if you can use one to get to dragoon you can often use the other to get the DMTDK, and he also counts to being a Dark Magician on the field and GY