This deck has a lot of synergy going on in it and many staples have been left out due to how well the deck can function without them (Staples tend to put a grind/halt on this deck's synergy aside from Harpie's Feather Duster in my opinion being the cream of the crop of staples).
The deck has been built around the Legendary Knights though they have been sided due to how well the deck can run without running those bricks. There are multiple engines / packages running in the deck that all contribute to how the Extra Deck can be utilized.
Deck Breakdown:
Joker's Knight and Joker's Straight Package: Joker's Knight package with King's, Queen's and Jack's Knight along with Joker's Straight and Imperial Bower. Both Joker's Knight or Joker's Straight during the End Phase can recur back to hand from the graveyard by returning 1 Light Warrior monster from the Graveyard into rge deck. (Any Warrior from main deck can be returned from the graveyard into the deck to meet Joker's Knight or Joker's Straight recurring effect because they are all Light Warrior's INCLUDING any of the Legendary Knights.) Giltia the D. Knight - Soul Spear was recently added to contribute to the Joker's Package AND to also help Search Red-Eyes B. Dragon. (Giltia can also be used as tribute for Five Star Twilight along with Joker's Knight and Jack's Knight and can also be used for a Fusion summon fro Dark Cavalry and/or Red-Eyes Slash Dragon).
Kuriboh Brothers Package: (Kuriboh Brothers including Kuribabylon with Five Star Twilight, Kuribohrn, Kuribandit, Magikuriboh, Skilled Brown Magician, Multiply, Detonate, and the Flue of Summoning Kuriboh). The Kuriboh's help search each other (Kuribahs' and Kuriboos' effect) along with helping search their own Spells/Traps (Kuribees' effect). Kuribandit, Skilled Brown Magician, Kuriborhn and Magikuriboh can all be brought out from the deck in several ways to assist in the duel (Both Magikuriboh and Kuriborhn can be searched by Kuriboo's effect and be brought to hand and Kuribah's effect grants a special summon of any monster with 300ATK/200DEF onto the field after it or another Kuriboh monster on the field is destroyed by battle; All Kuriboh monsters in the deck are 300ATK/200DEF including Kuribohrn, Magikuriboh and Skilled Brown Magician). Kuribee's effect helps search any Spell/Trap with Kuriboh in its text (Five Star Twilight, Mulitply, The Flute oF Summoning Kuriboh, and Detonate are all searchable through Kuribee). Skilled Brown Magician serves multiple functions such as supporting the Kuriboh Brothers engine to even fusing with Dark Magician or Dark Magician Girl into The Dark Magicians. Can also be used to make a Time Magic Hammer). Kuribandit is a VERY underestimated card. Kuribandit when normal summoned can be used as tribute during the End Phase to search the top 5 cards of the deck and add 1 Spell/Trap to the hand and send the remaining 4 to the graveyard. (Kuribandit works very well with Joker's Knight and Joker's Straight and adds any excavated Spell/Trap to the hand). Any of the DARK Kuribohs can also be used as tribute for Deck Devastation Virus.
The Magicians, Palladiums, and Timaeus the United Dragon: Both Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl are the main Fusion targets of the deck (Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl are mainly to be used to go into the Dragon Knight fusion forms. Magicians' Souls may just be the easiest way to bring either Dark Magician or Dark Magician Girl out of the deck yet Palladium Oracle Mana and Palladium Oracle Mahad both provide another route to bring Dark Magician or Dark Magician Girl onto the field. Apprentice Illusion Magician adds another way to search Dark Magician and be added to hand. Magician's Salvation helps bring search and set Eternal Soul onto the field at a faster rate. Magikuriboh can be searched and brought out to either the hand or field through Skilled Brown Magician, Kuriboo, and Kuribah (After battle or effect damage Makgikuriboh's hand effect can be triggered to bring out Dark Magician or Dark Magician Girl from either deck or graveyard and can be recycled from graveyard back to hand whenever a face-up Spellcaster you control is destroyed by battle or card effect. Timaeus the United Dragon can be special summoned from the hand by sending any Spell/Trap that mentions "Dark Magician" (A vast majority of Spells in the deck mention Dark Magician) is there to help get into any of the the Dragon Knight fusion forms through contact fusion.
The Red-Eyes Package: As long as Red-Eyes Fusion stays at least at 1 in the TCG the Red-Eyes Package provides a-lot of synergy to this deck. The Black Stone of Legend can be used to summon out Red Eye B. Dragon but most importantly it can be used to push Red-Eyes B. Dragon from the graveyard back into the deck to avoid Red-Eyes Fusion becoming a brick. Red-Eyes Fusion has two targets in the extra deck (Red-Eyes Slash Dragon and Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon). If Red-Eyes Fusion is used to make Red-Eyes Slash Dragon ideally it is best to use Joker's Knight as the warrior fusion material because Joker's Knight can then be bounced back from the graveyard into the hand if there are any Light Warrior targets in the graveyard to recur Joker's Knight back to the hand. Red-Eyes Fusion can also be used to bring out Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon (the most abused path in making Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon). Any of the Red-Eyes monsters also serve as additional targets for the Magicians to go into Dragon Knight fusion forms in addition to there being more targets for the Claw of Hermos to make a Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword.
Keeper of Dragon Magic: Keeper of Dragon Magic adds any "Fusion" normal spell "or "Polymerization" from deck to hand (targets are Red-Eyes Fusion or Fusion Deployment) and helps add ways to go into the Dragon Knight fusion forms OR Red-Eyes Slash Dragon or Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon AND can help bring back either Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl or Red-Eyes B. Dragon if any of them are in the graveyard as long as one of their fusion forms that lists on of them is in the Extra Deck when Keeper is normal/special summoned. Keeper of Dragon Magic also serves as another fusion material for for any of the Magician dragon fusion forms.
Draw Power: Dark Magician Circle and Soul Servant serve as the main search/draw power cards of the deck. Even when Dark MAgical CIrcle does not add a card to hand it helps set up a card for the next draw. Soul Servant at Max power can draw 4 cards and helps search nearly all of the cards in the Magicians' package including any of the Spellcasters (with exception to Skilled Brown Magician) inclusively Timaeus The United Dragon. Eternal Soul also helps thin the deck by searching out "Dark Magic Attack" and "Thousand Knives".
The Legendary Dragons Package: Mirror Force, Ring of Destruction, Crush Card Virus and Tyrant Wing are strong disruption cards with a slight exception of Tyrant Wing. These Trap cards all serve a double purpose in helping disrupt through their Trap Card activation OR by going into they Dragon Fusion forms being Mirror Force Dragon, Destruction Dragon, Doom Virus Dragon and Tyrant Dragon by using The Fang of Critias. The Claw of Hermos serves like an equip spell toolbox depending on what Type of monster is used to make either Goddess Bow, Time Magic Hammer, Rocket Hermos Cannon, or Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword. The Eye of Timaeus helps The Magicians' Package in going into a Dragon Knight fusion form AND also increases Spell card targets for Timaeus the United Dragon to be special summoned.
Fusion Deployment: Very simple yet very powerful card for any deck that focuses solely on a Fusion based extra deck. Fusion Deployment can be used to special summon Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl or Red-Eyes B. Dragon from the hand or deck since there are various targets in the Extra Deck that list them as fusion material.
Harpie's Feather Duster: The cream of the crop of staples. Destroys all spells and traps your opponent controls.
The Side deck can easily be any other cards though I find that Spiritual Swords of Revealing Light, Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning and surprisingly Berserker Soul can also be main decked without them diluting much of the synergy already going on in the main deck.
Thank you for the the interest! Please feel free to leave feedback!