This deck was built around a magician of chaos deck, so it primarly focuses on ritual spells to draw and summon Magician of Chaos and trap cards and monster effects to draw and summon Dark Magician.
However after playing with the original deck, I decided to change its focus to the versatile combinations of Timaeus
In order to summon one of the fusion monsters from the extra deck, youll need a face-up DM and The Eye of Timaeus
The deck comes with plenty different spellcaster monsters, all with usefull effects.
In order to draw timaeus easilly, not only have I made this deck extra short but I also added upstart goblin (optional) and a lot of effects that will be helpful in that task
I'm not sure if this deck should be considered meta or no but it works pretty damn well against 90% decks I've played against (it's not updated to the new Link format thou) because it's super consistent (and you can make it even more if you decide to remove a few copies of the most recurrent cards) and has great synergy.