The last banlist hitting Desires to 1 was not nice to this deck, that aims to OTK the opponent as soon as possible with powerful attackers such as Gren Maju da Eiza or Numeron Dragon, so the list is designed to circunvent that lack of Pots this deck has. It's impossible to run any other Pot card, as Extravagance and Prosperity lock you out of drawing for the turn, and in a list full of Danger! monsters you lose a lot of value. So, instead, I'm maxing out on Eater of Millions, hoping to see it rather consistently in the turns 1 to 4 to combo it with Gren Maju and finish the game right there.
The Danger! engine is quite large, as it takes a hard approach on it, even more since Nessie has been released off the banlist and is now at 3 copies. All the Danger! monsters serve the purpose of digging through your deck, put bodies on the field (especially the level 8 ones, such as Bifgfoot, Thunderbird and Ogopogo) to go into powerful XYZ monsters like Dingirsu, Draglubion (your way to cheat out Numeron Dragon) and Hope Harbinger. Even if the levels don't match, the link monsters in this deck are quite powerful, but I would really consider replacing Zeroboros with Accesscode.
Eater of Millions and Gizmek Orochi are the primary ways to banish cards, obviously including the 1-off Pot of Desires, so it's a 7/40 of cards that banish your deck/extra deck massively. With that in mind, you can't always rely on Gren Maju to OTK, and that's where the XYZ - link monsters enter in the list, as well as huge going-second powerhouses such as Pankratops, Lightning Storm, Feather Duster, Super Poly (with various targets, and specific ones for DIDS and Eldlich) and Nibiru (which is a powerful card even going 1st, don't get me wrong) and even maxing out the going 2nd cards in the side deck, including ones such as Evenly Matched, the 3-off Raigeki, a lone Cosmic Cyclone and Red Reboot.
The deck lacks real consistency, as most of the time the Danger! engine has a RNG component that you sometimes can't play around (and if it fails, you're done) and it can be combined with other cards instead of the ones I chose, such as the Golden Castle of Stromberg package (which not only helps with battle protection and banishing, but also has a LVL8 Special Summon from the deck at the cost of your Normal Summon, and both a MST with legs and field searcher), the full-on banishing cards (adding specifically Dimension Shifter, Macro Cosmos, Dim Fissure and the like) and many other variants that I'm still needing to test in order to make sure they still work as they did before.
Any, I mean, ANY change you make to the deck, please, comment it (if possible), so I can test it myself and maybe improve the deck all together.