Hello fellow duelists.
I have been testing out Danger Darkworld ever since the structure deck dropped, and I am pleased to say it is one of my favorite combo decks of the current format. If you like gambling, ripping cards from your opponents hand, decks that require skill to play optimally and insane end boards then this deck might be the one for you.

Some quick tips:
- Always go first
- Turbo Dugares and Coach King Giantrainer, protect them with an early Grapha fusion if possible
- If you are against Tear going second, scoop game one before they can mill you and get info on your deck, and go first in game 2, or else you're going to suffer the Abyss Dweller fate
- Do not activate the second effect of Mothman against Tearlament, ever
- Side in Neko Mane King going second against Tear, it's funny (trust me bro)
- Learn what is good Discard fodder and what is not (Genta, for example, is not, so you want it out of your hand immediately via activating its effect OR normal summoning it after its effect is used up)
- Search for archives with Snoww if you need extra draw power, fusion pieces if you want protection and hand loop pieces if you're already set up ("set up" meaning you've used Dugares, Coach King and Saryuja so you have 9+ cards in hand)
- Three easy side slots for going second are 2 Ceruli and 1 Sillva (because why try and hand loop if your opponent has no cards in hand?) The next three you can side out are 1 Mothman, 1 Grapha and 1 Accession
- Once you get faster with the deck, you can change Volcanic Scattershot with Infinite Impermanence in the side deck for better chances going second
- If your opponent is smart enough to play Droll & Lock Bird, side in the 1 Called by the Grave and pray
- Set your fusion spell after using it, it is a piece of your end board. If your opponent uses Dark Ruler No More on you, you can use it to make your negate + hand loop live again (and if you have another Grapha in hand you even get a pop, so 2 interruptions PLUS a hand loop for two despite being DRNMd)
If you have any questions or want more help playing the deck, I am happy to be of service. I managed to come second place at my locals with this deck and lost out on first to Tearlament, so it should serve you well on a relatively low budget too if you take the time to learn it. Thanks for reading and/or looking at my deck profile.