The deck's goal is to make Cyberdarkness Dragon, and either stay on it for the negates, or move to Cyberdark End Dragon if your opponent doesn't have an answer to it. How we get there is pretty typical for cyberdark decks: use Cannon and Claw to search creatures and spells, respectively, with the goal of filling up the graveyard and hand with at least 5 cyberdark monsters. Use chimera to search for Power Bond, and fuse your boss monster. We have two Power Bonds, in case we open with one, and we're running one Attachment Cybern and three Cyberdark Invasion to allow Cyberdarkness dragon to have more negates.
If our boss monsters are destroyed, we can recurse them with Cyber Eternal, which we can search with Cyber Dragon Core. Our main source of removal is attacking, but we can also use Jizukiru to tribute an opponents monster, then fuse him with our Cyber Dragon Core to make Chimeratech Fortress Dragon.
In the extra deck, Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf is there in case we can't make it to full combo.
One of the deck's big weak spots is its inability to draw. If we make our boss monsters and they are removed, we need cards in hand to make followup plays, so try to conserve your hand as best as possible.