This build is a "standard" one, trying to reduce weird choices to a minimum
*Crossout Designator gives some breathing room against interruptions, especially those that are particularly fatal for this archetype (Droll, Shifter, Lancea, Impermanence/Ash on Chimera)
*The ceiling is pretty low because most times you are only summoning a single Dark End, which is sadly easily disposed of by Kaijus, Accesscode Talker, Underworld Goddess, Utopia the lightning, Bagooska, Mystic Mine, even Starving Venom after it gained some ATK...what I'm trying to say is, Cyberdark End jobs way too easily.
*You can greatly increase the ceiling by swapping handtraps and the Crossout package with a Magicians' Souls engine (Souls + Illusion of Chaos + Preparation of Rites). Souls on Cybern allows you to instantly revive Cyberdarkness t1 plus it refills your hand with 2 precious cards. But you lose a significant margin of flexibility
*Going 2nd you should simply go for the Chimeratech Rampage (or Overdragon or CED) OTK. Just pray you top Droplets