Mix of OTK cyber dragons with the ability to hold for a short period of time, ideal play is to get infinity out on the first turn (doable with most hands you draw, remember that cyber dragon drei can change his level to 5) and also to get sieger out aswell, when using infinitys negate always pick cyber dragon nova as the first material to detach so you can then get him back on the field with nachster or monster reborn, alternative otk method is to get rampage dragon out with sieger on the field aswell, use siegers ability to provide rampage with extra attack (preferably summon rampage with power bond) and use your three attacks (always tribute herz and pharos for rampages extra attacks as herz can add a card to the hand when sent to the graveyard and pahros can be banished to get a free power bond), always try have a cybernetic overflow or impermenance out on the field, alternatively you can use machine dupe on nachster, herz or core to get out materials for I:P to link into access code using I:P and sieger (or any of the other link monsters you chose). Jizukiru can be used to get over an opponents boss monster, jizukiru can then be tributed into fortress dragon from your opponents side of the field (easy boss monster elimination) or you can go the full on OTK route and bring in limiter removal and gold sarcophagus to OTK with cyber end dragon/cyber twin dragon etc
Overall not the best deck but first deck ive ever properly made myself, any suggestions let me know