Alright so last format everyone was going crazy over Cyber Dragon Orcust because it was so powerful and
Knightmare Mermaid just made the deck even more insane, but after testing it in this format I believe this deck is still really good going first or second. You want to go first though. Going first you just setup
Cyber Dragon Infinity,
Cybernetic Overflow (which you search off
Cyber Dragon Core), Dingirsu,
Orcust Crescendo, and/or
Orcustrated Babel which is almost unbreakable. Going second you can just break their board using
Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon, and/or
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon. I also put in a spicy side deck for going first. Like
Penalty Game. This card destroys Sky Striker or any other Spell or Trap focused deck because they won't be able to play. I know a lot of people are playing I:P but I personally don't think it's necessary to win and I don't have the extra deck space. I don't really have much to explain about this deck, mostly everyone should know how to do full Orcust combo at this point since the deck has been around for so long. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the deck and stick around for more.