It's a simple and inexpensive Deck,
With Core/Herz you easily make a Sieger and Infinity.
If your Sieger is in GY, you can summon Cyber Dragon Nova and with his effect put Cyber Dragon Sieger on the field. It's interesting tha you be the second, but first its not a problem. If you have a Electromagnétic Turtle and One for One in a hand, you can send one of those and active many effects: Electromagnetic Turtle can be banish by the GY and ended the battle phase, it's one more turn for made a field to win a game. You can use Machina Fortress in the field starting by the GY, and if he was destroyed in battle you can destroy the attacking monsters. Iron draw its good because you can have more cards in hand. You can use too cyber network in 2 moments: If your oponent have cards that banish your monsters; If you need a fusion... how? Ok, you, by effetc of Cyber network can banish monsters, so, use Cyberload Fusion (take it with Core Effect) and put the monsters again in your deck; if you want, you can use Cyberneti Fusion Support, you pay half of your LP and can made a fusion with GY, FIELD and HAND, added banish monsters.
Its interesting always keep Cyber Dragon Infinity on the field, because you can negate some effects and add one monster in attack possition (of your oponent too).
If your oponent have a strong monster in Extra Zone, use Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon to tribute that monster.