Machine Angel Ritual - standard ritual spell, levels don't need to be precise, protects light monsters
2x Dawn of the Herald - Herald ritual spell which also adds back cards you used for ritual summon
2x Ritual Sanctuary - searches nearly anything by discarding a spell, searchable by cyber egg angel
1x Impcantation Inception - It can ritual summon any monster but it is somewhat impcantation reliant, adds itself bad, good with machine angel ritual, swarms the board, great card
2x Extra foolish burial - not in a video but I reccomend this after further testing (Ntss pop / herald add)
2x Elder Entity N'tss (NTS NTS NTS NTS - POP POP POP) - Send it with extra foolish / Diviner
3x Herald of the arc light - searches entire deck in a nutshell, see above (Extra foolish plz avoid this)
1x Psy-framelord Omega - So diviner is lvl 6 tuner there are lvl 2 monsters.. idk why not, can re burry your return of the dragon lord esque protection cards
1x Mannequin cat - Any deck which can sometimes drop 2 level 2's is gonna run this
1x Herald of Pure light - well adds back stuff, re use benten for example, rarely comes up
1x Knightmare Unicorn - wasn't there in a video but I added it due to how well you can snatchsteal climb with Cyber Angel Natasha, you have to keep linking her off so ofc prob the best generic link3 atm
1x Herald of Mirages (extra deck herald of perfection). if protected with Natasha could come up else Herald of perfection takes his job quite well, he ended up not being to relevant.
Gale Dogra - I feel like the deck has enough normal summons but if you want more good choice
Kristya / Vanity ruler - Win more since herald of perfection wins on its own but eh... if you expect kaijus you can side kristya, you don't need going second cards if you know you are going first
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