The new FTK adjacent superheavy samurai cards will be coming to the TCG soon, and they enable a lot of dumb combos.
This was mainly lifted from Jesse Kotton's handloop combo with this deck, but I felt like handloops were boring so I did a dumb board builder style deck that is absolutely worse for it.
Combo is any way to Wakaushi
It follows Kotton's combo up to the point where you pendulum summon, then instead of gottoms you make Bureibu
Bureibu summon saizan
make bureido
summon shirokunishi
make another bureibu
summon another saizan
make savage dragon
now you summon the regulus
I think it's funny that I unintentionally combined the two ancient japanese robot decks into this madness.
The rest of the deck is board breakers and handtraps.
Before anyone says anything sekka's light doesn't work with this deck because it also locks you out of pendulums
Any other feedback would be nice.