First of a kind (unless you count an old Youtube video where someone built Crystron Runick pre new support in MD). Kinda crazy I couldnt find any ressources since Thystvern and Smiger seem like they were made for Hugin.
The goal of the deck is to establish a ressource loop of Sulfador, Inclusion and Eleskeletus, facilitated by the Runick engine. The deck is pretty good both going first and going second (though going second is a bit limited since youre locked into machines and the only way outside of Runicks to break their board are Vermillion Dragon Mech and plan B Ty-Phon). On the plus side, the deck can play well through disruptions because Tristaros is insane.
It can play fine into Fuwalos by ending on Herald + maybe Cluster and Runick Fountain. Shifter kills it but you can at least pitch Smiger/Thystvern for cost to get something and droll hurts a lot but you can still use Tristalos and send Cluster with Sulfador before recovering with Elesketus (similar to combo 2). Biggest issue is honestly Nibiru, but you can try passing before reviving Tristalos to have a play post Nib after siding.
Ametrix is for when you have just Tristalos + Cluster.
Main Combo (Runick + Tristaros/Thystvern):
Combo 2 (Runick + Inclusion/Smiger):