This deck is pretty straightfoward, just summon your monsters, set 4 and pass. In case you're going 2nd you can use the numeron engine to force your opponent's disruptions, if you win the dice-roll you definitely want to go first and finish the game with the numeron engine or activating scapegoats in the opponent's end phase (keep in mind if you use condemned witch during your opp's turn you wont be able to activate scapegoat, unless the opponent negates it).
The side deck and maindeck traps can be switched for any counter trap that could be more effective depending on the format or what you currently own except for the solemn traps that are a must have in most of the situations.
When you're side decking its best to take out 2 artemists for the 2 pathfinders and add the 2 numeron callings, broken line is also there to switch some counter traps for going 2nd (you just set them where your opponent has cards).