The philosophy behind Anti-Meta Stun is that most decks nowadays are woefully under-prepared if they cannot special summon, and usually do not have easily accessible outs to spell and traps, unless they draw into it. This deck's goal is to protect and enhance it's anti-special summon monster floodgates with backrow support.
equip cards are to boost our floodgate's lacking attack and to provide situational effects. (Moon Mirror Shield and Mage Power for beating over stronger monsters, Mordschlag to destroy special summoned monsters, Power of the Guardians to provide destruction protection and White Veil for backrow destruction. Armory Call essentially adds 3 more copies of each card in the deck.)
draw cards to facilitate consistency. This deck's price can be cut substantially by replacing Pot of Extravagance with something else and not including an extra deck.
Prohibition is to disallow certain cards to be used crucial to a deck (For example, vs. Eldlich you prohibit Eldlich the Golden Lord). Prohibition can also be called to prevent the use of backrow removal (For example, prohibiting Twin Twisters, Cosmic Cyclone of Harpie's Feather Duster.)
Counter traps are to prevent field wipes and destructive backrow cards from being activated such as Lightning Storm, Harpie's Feather Duster and Twin Twister. They are also useful for preventing negation cards like Infinite Impermanence from shutting off the our floodgate monsters for a turn.
This deck
excels at going first, as most meta decks cannot play through a hard to destroy special summon floodgate. Most of the time, they are forced to set and pass.
This deck is
particularly weak against destruction effects from spell/traps, and may likely suffer versus oppressive boards going second. The 10 traps in the deck can be replaced by handtraps to make it easier to go second.