This deck uses the spammability of Revendread Origins to go into Knightmare gryphon, rusty bardiche, beatrice and even king calamity on your opponents turn.
I won't write any fixed combos here, as you have to be flexible, because every hand needs a different order.
But still some important info for beginners:
- Evolution is once per turn, origin is not (which is amazing)
- Vendread Battlelord can search for chalislime
- Use battlelord effect with monsters to prevent handtraps (especially nibiru)
- Always banish evolution with battlelord, because it is useless in the graveyard
- If you have already used candoll you can summon bookstone with chalislime to recycle origin
- Always tribute impcantations ASAP, they lock you out of your extra deck
- Solitaire is just another copy of uni-zombie
- Use beatrice to send banshee on your turn and glow-up bloom on your opponents
Why I chose:
- Impcantations: Vendreads can only work if they have their ritual spells, if they have 2+ they can play through multiple handtraps, if they have 0 they cant play at all
- Zombie World Engine: balerdroch is such a pain to deal with and zombie world shuts down many meta decks atm, so a pretty obvious choice if you can go into beatrice
- Phantom Knights engine: Rusty Bardiche is broken and easy to go into mid-combo, also the phantom knight monsters and fog blades aren't dead in hand so yeah
I am waiting for august when volnigesh comes around because then this deck can consistently make Dawn King Kali Yuga on your opponents turn (!!!), so stay tuned