Ridiculous summoning condition back then, now Legendary Fisherman III is so easy to vomit. Isolde Halq provides all the stuff required. Idaten the Conqueror Star further ties the deck together because it can use the Fishermen as material and searches them or Overlay Booster for free Isolde. Combo is we get to Isolde, add Gearfried or any missing Fisherman, use Isolde send equip ss Grappler Angler, make Halq ss 001, make Auroradon ss 3 tokens, ss 001 from GY, make Herald of the Arc Light for early negation, use Auroradon tribute itself and 1 token ss O-Lion, make Vanguard Roland, use O-Lion chain Roland, ss token, make Borreload Savage, at the End Phase add warrior by sending 1 equip from deck.
Important/multi-functional cards are run at maximum copies, such as 3 Red Layer (best starter, Idaten fodder or free monster for Isolde), 3 Vyon (as both Polymerization or high lv warrior for Idaten material thanks to D-Hero Malicious), 3 Polymerization (unbricking the high lv monster for Idaten), 1 RotA (for Vyon or Fire Flint Lady for extender), 3 Durendal (for Fire Flint or Red Layer).
2 Fishermen (as spare if they're used as Idaten material), 2 Overlay Booster (Idaten target for Isolde, 2 for spare if it's used as Idaten material), 1 Kaiki the Unity Star (extender if we have Gearfried, tribute fodder for Fisherman II). The rest are just combo pieces and staples.
Pros: Themed, consistent, okay board with followup.
Cons: Many high lv bricks.