Monsters: 3 Arianna is a must but 2 of the remaining good Labrynth monsters seems to work well in testing. Currently on the fence between 2 or 3 Lady Labrynth but put 3 for now. 2 Back Jack and 2 Heavenly prison is also ideal - again would consider a 3rd Back Jack but for now this works well. Lady Labrynth, Heavenly Prison, and any amount of set backrow puts up a good lock where nearly your whole field and Lady are indestructable and Lady is untargetable. Your opponent will burn through a lot of resources to out this.
Spells: Self explanatory. Some people play 2 field spells but it is too crucial imo so I like 3. Would consider playing 3 Prosperity in addition to or in place of the extrav, but probably in addition to. Duality might be a decent substitute for Prosperity but the special summon lock could be problematic mid game.
Traps: A lot to unpack here:
- Welcome Labrythn: Heart and soul of the deck. Usually you either summon Lovely Lady while the field spell is up to get a non-targeting pop 1 and a hand rip. Alternatively, another common line is Welcome into Arianne to search Lady and immediately summon Lady from hand. The Chandeliers also come up as better options sometimes, but thats situational - the other 2 uses are the go-to's.
- Dogmatika Punishment: You need to get monsters of the field for this deck to snowball in advantage - why not remove 2?
- Torrential Tribute: Similar reasoning as punishment.
- Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon: Absolutely broken. If you go second but get this set on turn 0 off of Back Jack or Lady it's an auto win against many decks. Might want to cut down to 2 if the format is backrow heavy, but otherwise this is a blowout card rivaling evenly matched in terms of equalization potential.
- Ice Dragon's Prison: Clean up the monsters that any of the aboved cards can't touch (targeting/destruction protection)
- Archfiend's Glitch: Useful pop 1 card that can also be used to out pesky floodgates, field spells, and opposing backrow. I only run 2 because I find that I don't have a fiend up all the time.
- Solemn Judgement: Most decks that rely so heavily on trap cards and can afford to play this should.
- Virus Cards: One of each because there are many ways to search them and against the right match-up they are auto-wins (a well times full forced against Flunder is GG)
Side Deck: All Cards I would just consider putting in, particularly Rivalry of the Warlords.
Extra Deck: Genertic - extrav fodder, punishmnet fodder, and some common links/rank 4's.